
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gluten Allergy Celiac Disease and Weight Loss

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness month. One of the conditions associated in some people with IBS is Gluten allergy. It is a highly under-diagnosed condition, therefore worth spreading public awareness about it. Gluten is a Protein, which can be found in Wheat, Barley, and Rye. The disease associated with gluten intolerance or allergy is called Celiac disease.

Celiac disease is an inflammatory condition of the small intestine that affects some people with genetic predisposition. The inflammationi damages the mucosa of the small intestine, which results in a lot of the symptoms and deficiencies associated with gluten allergy. About a third of Caucasians are genetically predisposed to Celiac disease, but not all of them get Celiac disease. Usually avoidance and exclusion of Gluten resolves symptoms of Celiac disease.

Women are twice as likely to be affected and diagnosed with Celiac disease than men. Some autoimmune conditions like Type-1 Diabetesi, Sjogerns disease, lupus, thyroid disease and some adrenal diseases (Addisons disease) are also associated with Celiac disease. People who have Downs syndrome also have a high chance of having Celiac disease.

People classically are present with symptoms of diarrhea, weight loss, iron deficiency anemia, lactose intolerance, frequent constipation, severe abdominal pain and obstruction, vomiting, and infertility. Chronic gluten intolerance results in osteoporosisi and iron deficiency anemia mainly due to poor absorption of minerals and vitamins like Calcium, Vitamin D, and iron from the gut. However, unless gluten is excluded, taking vitamins or minerals wont result in reversing the disease or brittle bones.

Gluten Allergy can be diagnosed through blood tests, endoscopy with biopsy of the duodenal mucosa, and genetic testing. However, if youre already on a gluten free diet, genetic testing is the only test, which will show Gluten allergy.

If you have celiac disease, lifelong avoidance of gluten is strongly recommended. Also you need to have your levels of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, B12, folic acid, zinc and copper checked frequently. There are a lot of support groups for people with Celiac disease and gluten allergy as well as a general public awareness and availability of Gluten free products in a lot of mainstream supermarkets. Visiting a dietitian and/or a physician who has expertise dealing with people with Celiac disease is also highly effective.

If you have any of the symptoms above, please make an appointment to get tested for Gluten sensitivity. If you are not on a Gluten free diet, Celiac disease can be diagnosed through a blood test.

If you are suffering from the symptoms above and find yourself eating less, but still not losing the weight we have 9 tips and suggestions for you.
Here are some Tips to help you out:

1. Get enough Sleep at night.

Sleeping about 5-6 hours per night is necessary to make sure that your metabolism wont slow down due to hormonal imbalance. Also when you are sleepy you crave more food especially sugary ones.

2. Count the protein intake per meal.

Eating salad doesnt give you enough calories, so you will get hungry soon. Or if you stuck up your plate with blue cheese and candied walnut you probably will have as much calorie as a burger with fries.

Make sure to have a 3-4 oz. of lean protein with each meal to prevent your craving for sugar and carbohydrate. Protein digestion will help your body to use the energy and burn some fat.

3. Too much exercise is not the answer.

No.In order to lose one pound of fat you need to burn 3500 calorie which can be very time consuming and ineffective, so we should focus on having a daily regimen of 75% good nutrition and 25% exercise to lose weight properly.

4. Refrain from Eating a lot of high-calorie health nuts?

Just because something is healthy it doesnt mean that you can eat a lot of it. Changing from white bread to whole wheat, Butter to Olive oil, chips to nuts are good, but portion control is important since these are all high-calorie substitutes.

5. Do not eat too early in the evening.

Its good to eat less food in the evening, but if a person eat at 6pm, and go to bed at 11pm they might have to be careful about the calorie intake after dinner. The body might crave food after 3-4 hours. So no matter how late you eat your dinner try to have less than 30% of your calorie intake after 7pm.

6. Eat snacks in between your meals.

To keep your metabolism at its peak you have to take something every 3to 4 hours.

7. Keep a food diary.

Study shows that most of the people who keep diary about their daily food intake will lose weight faster, since theyre more aware of what they put in their body.

8. Eat a full, protein rich Breakfast.

Study shows that people who eat breakfast have a healthier weight. When you skip breakfast your body goes to starvation mode, and as a result your metabolism slows down.

9. Put the apron on, and start cooking in your own kitchen.

Restaurant meals have a lot of hidden calories; try to eat half of your order if you must have eat out; otherwise try healthy simple recipes at home where you can reduce the amount of hidden calories from your meal.

Panthea Shafipour is a general practioner for Wellesley Medical in Los Angeles, CA. We also have nutritionists, nutrition consultants and physicians at our weight loss clinic.

Article by : Panthea Shafipour, Source:

5 Men Muscle that Loved by Woman

5 Men Muscle Loved by Woman - Women do like men who muscled in the abdomen. But the belly "Six Pack" is not the only part visible. Each woman may have the muscle to be her favorite, but the fifth part of this muscle is frequently observed from men.
1. Abdominal muscles

Tall and strapping may be the first thing seen from the physical man, but if your stomach like a pile of fat, then its appeal is much reduced. Women will think, still young it was muscular, how for 10 years letter :).

2. Forearm

Muscular forearms that can be perceived as a strong man, and could do anything, including minor repair work at home.

3. Buttocks

Women also saw the buttocks of a man to know the mans physical activity levels. If you are fit and love sports, usually the buttocks will look high and tight. Conversely, if you do more sit and laze around, looked sagging buttocks and down.

4. A sturdy shoulder

Shoulder is where women rely on men. Regular exercise will make it look solid and make the overall physical appearance more masculine.

5. The Biceps

In a survey conducted by "Cosmopolitan U.S. magazine", revealed 1 in 5 women admitted that: he will add to the biceps a plus for men he knew.

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally at Home

Information by Lionel Sweetman - Published: 2010-06-19

Arthritis is pain in the fingers, knees, elbows, hips jaw-any place In the body where there Is a joint between bones.Arthritis can be very painful due to joints being surrounded by many nerves which are needed to make the complicated joints work properly.
There are many forms of arthritis like Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid Arthritis; to name just two, but we are not going into that now. What we are looking at here is natural remedies.
A lot of arthritis sufferers very often turn to natural herbal remedies and botanical methods to gain release from their symptoms. But do these natural alternatives do what they promise? Can you find relief from herbal supplements?
There are many herbs and such like that has shown some promise in helping treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and we will just look at a few of them:
Boswellia - For thousands of years Boswellia has been used as a natural anti-inflamatory. Extracts of the gum of this tree, which is mainly found in India, have long been used to relieve joint pain and inflammation. Modern scientific research has confirmed that boswellic acids contained within the herb are able to stop the formation of leukotrienes, the immune cells responsible for inflammation. With regular use blood supply to the joints is also maintained allowing for soft tissue to be nourished and viable.
Scientific research has shown that boswellia has the ability to inhibit the inflammatory mediators in the body, reducing pain and inflammation without irritating or ulcerating the lining of the stomach. Boswellia has also seen to be highly effective in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.
Thunder god vine - A supplement that is derived from a perennial vine that is native to Asia, also In areas of China, Korea, and Japan. The root is peeled away to make this herbal supplement and Is by tradition, been used to treat autoimmune illnesses and inflammatory conditions. It has been find by research that thunder god vine does indeed contain anti-inflammatory activity, and some immune-boosting activity has also been discovered.
One clinical trial carried out at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that roughly 80 per cent of those patients who were given a high dose of the plant supplement found that their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms got better considerably. However, researchers have found that this and other studies are too small to prove the true efficacy of this plant-derived supplement.
Cherries - To take away the pain of gout, eat 6-8 cherries per day. They can be tinned, frozen or fresh. This is a Japanese treatment, which they have used for centuries. They also boil the cherries down into a syrup which makes a strong sweet drink. The cherry is a very good source of magnesium (which is a natural painkiller) and potassium. The potassium acts as a diuretic, reducing inflammation by ridding tissue of fluid.
Dandelion leaves - One of the best remedies for treating arthritic conditions probably grows right in your backyard: fresh young dandelion leaves. Because of the high vitamin A and C content, when eaten raw in salads, these greens help the body to repair damaged tissues and help the liver clear toxins out of the blood.
European herbalists have used these anti-pain dandelion recipes for many years. Older leaves should be steam or sauté - like spinach, this is because they are too tough to eat raw. You can also improve the taste by cooking with garlic or add olive oil for a tasty dish. Dandelion can also be made into a tea steep, just 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or 3 teaspoons of fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Or make a coffee-like, but bitter-tasting, beverage by boiling, and then straining, 4 ounces of fresh root in 2 pints of water. Taken daily, this is a good guard against winter colds.
Desert devil - Devils-claw - an ominous-sounding cure - comes from the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. For at least 250 years, the Hottentots, Bantus, and Bushmen (all native tribes of this region) have treated arthritis pain with this large claw-like fruit that can trap and injure livestock. The tribesmens favourite method is to draw an extract from the root and brew it into a tea. Alternatively, devils-claw can be dried, powdered, and taken in tablet form.
Recent French and German studies found that the pain-relief of devils-claw is similar to that of cortisone. The root acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory, an effect of harpagoside, its active ingredient. Preparations using the whole plant work even better because it contains additional compounds, such as flavonoids, that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. Devils-claw is available in many forms through most mailorder herb companies and health food stores.
Water therapy treatment - A more pleasant and relatively effective home remedy for arthritis pain is water therapy treatments. This entails immersion of affected regions into warm water for about an hour. Best results can be achieved by utilizing a specially designed water tank which is sometimes called sensory deprivation tank. The water temperature is maintained at 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit which is the normal body temperature of a healthy human.
A spoonful of sugar - The British, known for their fondness for sweets, swear by crude blackstrap molasses dissolved in water. When taken every morning, they say this preparation eases and even eliminates pain in the joints. This is some feat in England! (Cold, damp climates usually aggravate a case of arthritis.) The molasses is an excellent source of minerals, including iron, potassium, and magnesium. It is also a concentrated sweet. So it is important to rinse your mouth out or brush your teeth after using this treatment. Otherwise, you may be trading one pain (arthritis) for another - a toothache!
Copper bracelets for arthritis - Until recently, Western doctors dismissed as folklore the idea of wearing copper bracelets as a way of treating arthritis. Indeed, there are many doctors who are still sceptical. Researchers in Australia, however, have found that copper, when coupled with aspirin, is more effective than aspirin alone in treating the pain of arthritis. Since many substances are absorbed through the skin, there may be some truth in this old wives tale. Copper bracelets are available all over the net.
Ginger - Ginger is very effective in the treatment of arthritis and a host of other ailments. Recent medical research in Holland has indicated that this, too, is much more than just myth. Eating ginger does, according to the Dutch doctors, help alleviate arthritis pain. Use the ginger with anything…soups, sauces, salads etc.
Eucalyptus oil for arthritis pain - An old traditional home remedy for arthritis pain requires the use eucalyptus oil. A small quantity of eucalyptus oil is warmed before applying it in a very thin layer over the painful joint. You would then cover the joint with a plastic wrap. Follow up by applying continuous heat to the joint with the help of steaming towels. This can be a relaxing pain relief routine that can prove beneficial at bedtime for maximum reduction of the arthritis pain.
Bee Stings - An arthritis therapy that may sound more like a punishment was used 2,000 years ago by Hippocrates - bee stings. Once considered to be the leading cure for rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, bee stings were used for centuries by ancient Europeans.Based on this traditional therapy, scientists in Switzerland, France, Germany, and Great Britain devised a treatment that employed a series of injections of the venom- using either a hypodermic needle or a live bee! The bee venom, like many noxious substances, stimulates the immune system to release inflammatory substances. This is known as the counter irritation theory.
Saint Hildegard’s Ointment - Hildegard was a mystic from 12th century Germany whose wisdom still holds true to day. She said “ Detoxify, purify, and regenerate the whole organism.” Hildegard’s recipe for an arthritis ointment was to take 4 parts vermouth, 2 parts deer fat, and 2 parts deer marrow, and mix it into a salve. This ointment was massaged on the painful joints while the sufferer sat in front of an elmwood fire. The warmth of the fire and the stimulation of blood flow from the massage were really the important parts of the treatment. So if you cannot get your hands on any deer fat. goose fat is a much better option and is available all over the net. To get rid of the rheumatic toxins that caused pain, Hildegard prescribed eating fragrant, raw quince. The fruit can be cooked in water or wine, baked in a cake or pie, or made into jellies and candy ( this is popular today during holiday seasons). Hildegards advice to gout sufferers was to slowly chew (before breakfast) 1 to 3 teaspoons of celery seed powder mixed with spices such as rue, cloves, and saxifrage. For a better taste, the celery powder can be sprinkled on bread with quince jelly. Celery is a diuretic, and the loss of excess fluid can reduce the inflammation associated with the arthritis. Rue contains ruin, which can strengthen blood vessels (preventing them from leaking fluid into tissue and thus preventing inflammation).Warning: Dont use rue during pregnancy. It can bring on bleeding.
Glucosamine - Produced naturally in the body and is found in relatively high concentrations in the joints and connective tissues where its main function is to repair cartilage and maintain joint mobility. It has been shown that between 90 and 98 percent of Glucosamine Sulphate is absorbed into the body.
Because of its healing properties and the fact there a few reports of side effects Glucosamine has been approved for the treatment of arthritis pain and other joint and muscular pain in more than eighty countries throughout the world. Research has shown glucosamines ability to both decrease pain and reduce inflammation whilst also allowing an increase in the range of motion in the joints, helping to repair aging and damaged joints throughout the body.
Recent studies have indicated that glucosamine may be at least as if not more effective than the non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin and ibuprofen but without the harmful side-effects connected with these medicines. While NSAIDS provide effective pain relief for arthritis and other joint pain they can also reduce the production of cartilage in the body. In doing so this obviously worsens the condition in the long run and so increases the dependence on the drugs. Not only does glucosamine relieve pain but it also reduces inflammation, repairing the cartilage damage rather than just masking pain.
Aloe Vera for arthritis - Aloe, by its self does not cure or heal anything; it is the beneficial effects of over 200 different nutritional constituents and the way they react to help reduce inflammation and pain which promote healing. Aloe Vera gives a great boost to the immune system and energy levels. So, In other words…..Aloe Vera provides the body with the right agents to take care of itself and to restore and repair body functions and the bodys own healing process.
Alfalfa - Commonly used for arthritic treatment, because the tea remedy is effective when taken for two to three weeks with a seven to ten day break between consumption.
Angelica - Another arthritis treatment because it contains anti-inflammatory constituents and muscle relaxants as well as natural pain-relievers. This herb is used in a tea concoction as well, with the same frequency and breaks as the alfalfa remedy.
Black cohosh - An American Indian herb used in the treatment of arthritis symptoms, has qualities similar to aspirin as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-spasm constituents.
Celery - A plant that can be used to treat arthritis. The celery seeds and other portions of the plant contain over 25 anti-inflammatory compounds, as well as providing massive amounts of potassium, which is important because a deficiency in potassium is often a culprit of arthritic pain.
Other herbal medicines used to treat arthritis pain include; feverfew, American ginseng, hop tea, licorice, mustard plaster, oregano, pineapple, red pepper, rosemary, sesame seeds, stinging nettle, turmeric, wild cucumber bark, wild yam, willow, wintergreen, and yucca. Some of these herbs are used topically, as the minerals are absorbed into the skin, while others are ingested internally for maximum benefits.
Many people think that because they are taking an herbal supplement or botanical-based drug therapy, there will be no side effects. The truth is that herbal supplements can be quite powerful and can have strong side effects. Many if not most of all conventional drug therapies are derived from plants and herbs.
The bad news is that there is not enough sufficient research to conclusively prove the efficacy of many of these herbal supplements and botanical-based drugs. Before you try any herbal supplement, it is important that you discuss its use with your doctor.

Citation: Disabled World News (2010-06-19) - List of home remedies to help treat arthritis naturally at home by reducing pain level:


Avian Disease and Red Fruit

Avian Disease and Red Fruit

Bird flu is a disease affecting the poultry.

Symptoms of birds affected by bird flu are high fever and lead to death.

The medicine to cure this disease, the vaccine has actually been found that the AI ​​(Avian Influenza).

When this disease attacks the poultry industry, it will be fatal, because of all poultry farms are in all of them will be infected.

In addition to Al vaccines for the treatment of the disease, a lecturer from the University of Papua Cendrawasih namely: Dr. Made Budi, MS, has been entered into trials through sari "Red Fruit" in the treatment of bird flu and the results are quite satisfactory, from 20 chickens affected by bird flu 19 tail experience healing, and only one tail is dead.

The characteristics of the Red Fruit juice concoction of Dr.. Made Budi MS ie, does not smell acidic, neutral aroma, dark color (red), water content of zero (0), sediment pasta zero, the number of high iodine and peroxide value of zero (0) to 0.5. Boiling point lower red juice.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Right Tips Eliminate Acne


Acne is a common beauty problem faced by almost all teenagers. Acne is caused by the imbalance of the hormone testosterone. It was not just men who have testosterone hormone, women also have it.

Testosterone hormone skin tells named sebaceous glands, to produce oil called sebum. This resulted in every hair that will grow to be sticky and inhibit the channel, thus creating blackheads. If too much sebum that block, it will be a great acne creates very appearance of your beauty.

Here are some beauty tips for acne treatment.

1. If you have acne that already looked flushed, do not touch it, let alone to suppress it out. By pressing forced out, will make its contents will be entered into the skin and become worse and flushed.

2. Do not wash your face too often, acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face too often can cause the skin to become dry and irritated. enough twice a day using a special soap and water clean face.

3. Avoid chemicals, there are many acne products that contain whitening agent called benzoyl peroxide. This will irritate the skin, the skin becomes dry and scaly.

4. Make a schedule, if you have used the acne treatment product for two months and no changes have occurred, you should consult with a dermatologist, in order to avoid a worse effect.

5. Be patient, Most treatments take time, at least two months.

Acne is very irritated, anxious and presence always makes it very difficult to be removed anyway. But, all that it can be overcome with proper care beauty and certainly do not despair.

Japans secret White Women

If you are watching television or other information media, surely my friend will often to see how pretty and beautiful Japanese womans skin. In fact some people believe that white skin is owned by Japanese women are the most beautiful skin and the most beautiful skin secret sehat.Ternyata it very simple.

Beauty secrets of Japanese women apparently are glutinous rice.
The use of sticky rice on the skin was not only able to clean up and absorb oil, but also very good for skin whitening.

1. glutinous rice
2. Cotton or satin fabric
3. container
4. warm water

How to use it very easily,

    1. Wash the glutinous rice and drain, it is to get rid of impurities that may be present in the rice.
    2. Stelah dry, put into play glutinous rice cotton or satin fabric and then pounded until smooth
    3. The collision was the result, we enter into the container that we fill with warm water. Allow a few moments until the water was a milky white.
    4. Remove the collisions that we soak was then rubbed into the entire surface of the skin.
    5. Terakir rinse thoroughly

Do this regularly and see the results. Smooth white skin like the Japanese women can also have buddy. see also 8 secrets slim Japanese women.

Beware of Foot Bone Disease

Beware of Foot Bone Disease - Leg Bone Disease may sound strange to our ears, because if we hear the word bone, we only know about bone loss, or better known as osteoporosis.

But you need to know, the foot bone disease is also dangerous for your health, especially for you who have advanced age. Why? Because the leg bone disease can cause paralysis. So beware of early bone disease leg.

Recognize early

Surely you do not want this disease is not it? For that recognize the signs of this disease early.

1. Sprain
2. Fracture
3. Arthritis
4. Nekrois aseptic
5. Pain in the cartilage
6. Stiff joints when you wake up and people are very difficult to move and activity

This foot bone disease usually attacks in people who have more than 45 years of age due to calcium in the body has been slightly reduced in number, if you find the above symptoms consult your doctor as soon as possible.

The cause of leg bone disease include the following:

1. Likes to wear high heels, since legs will stand not as it should, but legs like a tiptoe through the back heel lifted and cause the leg had to restrain him.

2. Do not like to consume calcium. Most women do not like milk, the reason they are a weight problem, even though milk production may increase the calcium in your body.

Another fact you need to know, that bone disease affects women more vulnerable than men. You can eat low-fat milk to increase calcium in your body.

3. Inflammation of the bone. Other causes that arise because of the occurrence of uric acid in the body.

benefits of eating chestnuts

Benefits of Eating Chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts, health benefits of eating chestnuts, health benefits of water chestnuts, health benefits of raw nuts, health benefits of horse chestnut, water chestnut health benefits, roasted chestnuts health benefits, water chestnuts health benefits, eating horse chestnuts, eating chestnuts raw.
benefits of eating chestnuts
Rich in folate and vitamins C and B6
A good source of iron, phosphorus, riboflavin and thiamin.
Much lower in fat and calories than almost all other nuts.

Tend to be expensive and are sometimes difficult to find.
benefits of eating chestnuts
Unlike most other nuts, chestnuts are made up all most completely of carbohydrates, and they are low in fat and calories. They are also high in number of important nutrients, a ¾ cup serving provides more than 40% of the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA of vitamin C, 35% of the RDA of folate, and 25 % of the vitamin B6 RDA. The same size serving, which contains 240 calories, 3g of protein, and 2 g of fate, also contributes more than 10% of the RDAs for iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and thiamine.
benefits of eating chestnuts
After chestnuts are picked, their starch begins to turn to sugar, giving the nuts their mild, sweet flavor. Chestnuts are almost always cooked, either by roasting or boiling, before they are eaten. When heated, the nuts sweet and crack their thin, soft shell, which makes them easier to peel.
Chestnuts are often used in baked desserts. Roasted nuts can be dried and ground into flour that makes a rich, flavorful crust for tarts or pies. Boiled chestnuts, which have a consistency similar to that of potatoes, can be mashed or pureed to add to cake batter or used as a pastry filling. They are also served as part of a traditional thanks giving dinner, either as a side dish or added to turkey stuffing. Marrons glaces a delicacy available in gourmet shops are peeled whole chestnuts preserved in sweet syrup.
The chestnut develops inside a prickly burr that is gathered after it falls from the tree in early autumn. It should not be confused with the horse chestnut, which is inedible. At one time the American chestnut tree grow abundantly in the more temperate regions of the United State of America, but blight in the early 1900s destroyed almost all of these trees. Since them, a hybrid of the American tree and the oriental chestnut tree has been introduced; however, most of the chestnuts now sold in supermarkets in the United States of America are imported from Italy and Spain. Other major producers are China and South Korea.
benefits of eating chestnuts
These crunchy vegetable, which are served in many Asian dishes, salad, and soups, are unrelated to chestnuts, in fact, they are not nuts nor do they grow on trees. Instead, water chestnuts are tubers that grow wild in marshes or the shallow water along lakeshore in China, Japan and the East Indies. The Chinese also cultivate water chestnuts as a second crop in their rice paddies.
Most water chestnuts sold in the United States are imported from China. They contain moderate amounts of protein and vitamin C, but they are not as nutritious as potatoes and other tuberous vegetables.
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Common Medical Procedures That Require Radiation Protection

There are many different medical procedures that can provide doctors with advanced diagnostic information and surgical capabilities that were not present just a few decades ago. The equipment that is used for some of these techniques can emit radiation or relies on the transmission of radiation in order to view the inside of the body without requiring exploratory surgery. Doctors and patients must sometimes wear radiation protection gear such as leaded glasses and thyroid shields in order to stop harmful levels of energy from accruing in the body while working with patients.

Radiation Protection

Standard X-Rays

X-Rays are a type of electromagnetic energy that can pass through certain substances but that are partially blocked by denser areas of matter. Patients who receive an x-ray have this type of radiation showered through a particular area. An imaging film is placed under the limb or area that is be being imaged. The result is that dense areas inside of the body such as bone, parts of internal organs or tumors create gaps in the film while less dense areas appear dark because the x-rays change the color of the film. Standard x-rays are used extensively because they are very fast, inexpensive and highly accurate for diagnosing basic problems, such as a broken bone or a fracture.


One of the more advanced diagnostic uses for x-rays is known as fluoroscopy. This is a procedure that can give doctors the ability to actually see the internal functioning of the body in real time. This type of imaging is performed by passing x-rays through the body that are then captured by a digital sensor or a fluorescent screen. The procedure is commonly performed to examine potential problems in the gastrointestinal tract, to assist in certain types of surgeries and to view the functioning of the veins and arteries during an angiogram. Most doctors must wear leaded glasses and x-ray aprons because of the duration of radiation exposure that occurs in order to capture enough data for a diagnosis.

Laser Procedures

Lasers are used extensively in cosmetic procedures and are becoming more common in fields such as dentistry. Lasers give surgeons the ability to accurately remove layers of skin or tissue, to create clean and sanitary incisions and to cauterize tissue as needed. Some types of lasers that are used medically do emit very high amounts of radiation that need to be avoided. Often this is a concern when working with delicate handheld instruments because of the proximity of the device to the body. Leaded glasses are very important for people who are working with lasers because the energy can be particularly devastating to the structures of the eye.

Article Jeremy P Stanfords

Article Source : Common Medical Procedures That Require Radiation Protection

Why is Juicing so healthy

  • Colon Cancer Prevention 100 (100%)
  • One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
    Kale is a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which is great at fighting many cancers, especially colon cancer. In other research, sulforaphane from Kale has been shown to have a more direct effect on cancer prevention, especially in colon cancer, inducing cancer cells to destroy themselves. This was seen in a recent study in which animals were genetically bred to develop intestinal polyps, a condition that leads to tumor formation. This group of animals was then fed sulforaphane and found to have higher rates of apoptosis (cell suicide) and smaller tumors that also grew more slowly than animals who received no sulforaphane.
  • Weight Loss 100 (100%)
  • A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
    Adding lemon juice to a beverage can help increase weight loss.
    One of the main benefits of using kale in your juice blends is that it provides a large nutritional punch with one of the fewest calorie counts per cup of any other vegetable.
  • Lower Blood Pressure 90 (90%)
  • Celery calms the nerve because of the high calcium content & helps in controlling high blood pressure. Raw celery should be eaten to reduce high blood pressure.
    When people who participated in the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Study added foods high in potassium, magnesium and fiber, their blood pressure dropped to healthier levels. Those people in the study who ate a diet rich in these compounds in addition to the other foods on this diet (low fat dairy foods, seafood, lean meat and poultry) lowered their blood pressure by 5.5 points (systolic) over 3.0 points (diastolic).
    Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering with heart problems as it contains potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as provides relaxation to mind and body. It reduces mental stress and depression.
  • Cataracts Prevention 72 (72%)
  • In several studies, people with a history of eating lutein-rich foods like kale had up to 22% lower risk for cataracts, which would otherwise have been severe enough to require extraction.
  • Breast Cancer Prevention 71 (71%)
  • A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
    Recent studies shown that limonoids in lemons inhibit the development of cancer in laboratory animals and in human breast cancer cells.
  • Asthma Help 71 (71%)
  • One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.
    Lemon juice assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revives a person suffering from asthma. Lemon, being a rich rich source of vitamin C, helps in dealing with respiratory disorders.
  • Liver Cancer Prevention 67 (67%)
  • Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
  • Alzheimers Prevention 67 (67%)
  • A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimers disease.
  • Lower Cholesterol 55 (55%)
  • The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
    Recent studies show that ginger might also have a role in lowering LDL cholesterol because the spice can help reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed.
    Recent studies shown that limonoids in lemons help in reducing cholesterol.
  • Bone Protection 52 (52%)
  • French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.
  • Cancer Prevention 51 (51%)
  • Ginger has been shown in animal trials to help slow or even prevent cancerous tumor growth.
    Kale contains sulforaphane (especially when juiced), which is a chemical that has anti-cancer properties against many cancer types. The cancer-protective compounds in kale have thus been the subject of intense research, particularly their role in blocking the growth of cancer cells and inducing cancer cell death (apoptosis).
  • Digestion 51 (51%)
  • One of gingers most touted health benefits is its ameliorating effects on digestive ailments. It can help digest fatty foods and break down proteins. It is excellent for reducing gas. Many people report that it will also relieve nausea, and can be effective in treating morning sickness as well as motion sickness.
    Lemon juice helps to cure problems related to indigestion and consitpation.
    Apples contain a natural laxative. When juiced, it helps aid bowel movements. It is most effective when mixed with carrots and spinach juices, you can expect bowel movement the next day. Regularly eating apples also will ensure bowel movements due to its gel-forming fiber, pectin. It improves the intestinal muscles ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased Blood Circulation 50 (50%)
  • Being a warming herb, ginger can help knock out a fever. This property also makes it effective in stimulating circulation of the blood. It can also help relax muscles around the blood vessels and is said to help prevent blood clots from forming. The warming effects make it a natural decongestant as well as an antihistamine, making it the perfect remedy for colds.
  • Lung Cancer Prevention 49 (49%)
  • According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
  • Improved Complexion 49 (49%)
  • The silica in cucumber is an essential component of healthy connective tissue, which includes intracellular cement, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. Cucumber juice is often recommended as a source of silicon to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus cucumber’s high water content makes it naturally hydrating–a must for glowing skin.
    Lemon juice, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Drinking of lemon juice mixed with water and honey brings glow to the skin.
  • Immune System 36 (36%)
  • Kale studies reveal that sulforaphane helps support a healthy immune system, which is a key component in staving off cancer. Sulforaphane has been found to significantly enhance the production of several chemicals that are involved in the immune response, such as interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma.
  • Heart Disease Prevention 34 (34%)
  • In Kale research, the benefits of lutein also extend to prevention of atherosclerosis. An 18-month study from the University of Southern California found that in a group of 480 men and women aged 40 to 60 with no history of heart disease, those with the lowest serum lutein concentration had a five-fold greater increase in carotid artery thickness, a risk factor for heart disease, compared with those who had the highest serum lutein concentrations. This study also included an in-vitro portion, which compared tissue cultures of cells exposed to various combinations of lutein and detrimental, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is known to promote atherosclerosis. The researchers found that pretreatment of cells with lutein dose-dependently protected the cells against inflammation associated with LDL plaque formation, again confirming lutein’s protective effect against atherosclerosis.
  • Reduce Inflammation 6 (6%)
  • Ginger can also help reduce inflammation. So it can be used to treat any disease that is caused by inflammations such as arthritis or ulcerative colitis. Some studies show that it can even help inhibit the replication of the herpes simplex virus.

Jackfruit Fleshy Thick Nutritious Fruit

Jackfruit, seasonal fruit with thick flesh is proved to have the privilege other than the sweet taste. High nutrient content makes the fruit is very popular with many people. In addition, many of the benefits that we get from this fruit, let us know.

Jackfruit are easily damaged encourages more efforts to preserve food was processed in various forms, such as made chips, made jam, made lunkhead, and other processed forms. This is so nutrient-rich jackfruit can be eaten at any time and all the time.
Jackfruit rich with a high energy content, ie a total of 106 calories for every 100 grams. Likewise carbohydrates that reach as much as 27.6 grams and 1.2 grams of protein, making it worthy fruits as an alternative food. But you should be careful in consuming jackfruit in significant amounts. This is because these chewy fruit can cause flatulence.
The fruit is also rich in jackfruit denganmineral and vitamins that are good for maintaining health and preventing disease. A large amount of vitamin A (as much as 51 RE) and vitamin C (20 mg) is very useful in improving the immune system and maintain healthy eyes.
So also with a high calcium content (20 mg) and phosphorus (19 mg), as well as other minerals such as iron (0.9 mg) was very good as an anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, to strengthen bones and teeth, and aid digestion.
Jackfruit benefits for health also visible from a considerable content of potassium which is very useful to treat hypertension and prevent infection.
Other Benefits The Jackfruit
In addition to fruit, jackfruit other parts also contain many nutrients that are useful for health. Among jackfruit seeds, is known to contain a lot of carbohydrates, protein and energy that is not less than the amount of fruit. So also such minerals, such as calcium, and phosphorus were quite a lot. This prompted processing jackfruit seeds in a variety of forms processed, especially for food made of flour.
Benefits jackfruit can also be taken from other parts of the tree. Jackfruit leaves commonly used for animal feed.
So is the jackfruit tree wood is strong, malleable, and resistant to termites and not easily weathered, making it the wood of choice. Jackfruit wood is widely used for building houses and making various appliances and home furnishings, such as sills, doors, or desks.
While the sap is sometimes used for toys or insects in catching dragonflies by children. Young jackfruit is also widely used to be a vegetable, such as a delicious vegetable lodeh.
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) classified as a versatile plant. The trunk can be used for furniture, fruit used as processed foods. While the leaves and seeds are beneficial to health.
* Fruit
- Albuminoid
- Carbohydrates
* Rod
- Morin
- Sianomaklurin (tanning substances)
- Flavone
- Tannins.
* Leaves
- Antidiabetic
* Seeds
- Cough
-From a variety of sources-

Kiwi An Exotic Green With Solid Nutrition

Behind its hairy brown skin, green flesh that has the ability to prevent cancer. Among the 27 species of popular fruit, kiwi also proved the highest nutritional content.

Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) now we can easily find in supermarkets major cities in Indonesia. Characteristic kiwi is somewhat oval shape and brown furry skin color so it looks exotic.

The advantages of this fruit lies in the soft texture, taste delicious, and the rich aroma and fresh. Its chemical composition consists of nutrients and non-nutrients, is essential for health.

Low Energy
Fat and energy content of kiwi fruit is low enough so that the fruit is one fruit that is very good to be consumed by people who are doing low-calorie diet.

The energy content in each 100 grams of fruit and kiwi only 61 kcal, or less than 40 percent of the amount of energy contained in a banana. Kiwi fruit energy content is lower than citrus, orange, and grape, but slightly higher than the lemon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and papaya.

A publication that was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that of 27 commonly consumed fruits, kiwi turns nutrient density (nutrient density) highest.

The research was conducted by Dr. Paul Lachance, director of The Nutraceuticals Institute, a professor at Rutgers University, USA.
Measure of nutrient density is very commonly used by the dietitian to measure the nutritional value of certain foods, compared to other foods in equal portions. The higher the nutrient density of a food, the better the quality of the material.

Kiwi is a source of amino acids arginine and glutamate. Arginine is an amino acid that is a vasodilator (blood pressure lowering) and helps increase blood flow. As a vasodilator, arginine is also used to treat symptoms of impotence. The same amino acid also prevents the occurrence of plaque on artery walls, particularly in patients with angioplasty (plastic surgery of blood vessels).

Vitamin Complete
Some research indicates that the kiwi fruit contains 17 times more vitamin C than an apple, two times more than oranges, as well as more than lemon.

The content of vitamin E in kiwi two times more than the avocado. In addition, kiwi fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, niacin, vitamin A, and pantothenic acid in significant numbers.

Vitamin C and vitamin E have been known role as a natural antioxidant that is important for warding off free radicals cause aging of cells and triggers the onset of various diseases. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have one or more unpaired electrons so freely bind to various cells and tissues, as well as lead to cancer, heart disease, and premature aging.

Vitamin C helps to maintain the condition of the body against flu and colds (boost the immune system), reducing stress levels and helps the healing process. This vitamin also plays an important role in maintaining the health of skin cells that still looks clean, radiant and healthy.

Like vitamin C, vitamin E also plays a role maintaining healthy body cells, slows the effects of aging and maintain skin cells in order to stay young, increase fertility, and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

In addition to vitamins C and E, another antioxidant present in kiwi is certain phytochemical compounds, such as carotenoids, lutein, Xanthophyll, flavonoids, and others. Kiwi antioxidant capacity against free radical compounds placed third highest after the orange and red wine.

High Mineral
As with other fruit, kiwi is an excellent source of minerals needed to maintain stamina. Kiwi contains electrolytes (minerals) that are critical to turn the body loses electrolytes due to sweating during hard work, exercise or hot weather.

The main minerals contained in the kiwi is potassium (potassium), magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese, and phosphorus. The content of potassium in the kiwi was 5.4 mg / calories, higher than bananas (4.2 mg / calories), and slightly lower than the papaya (6.6 mg / calories) and apricot (6.2 mg / calories).

Potassium is important for maintaining muscle function and motor nervous system reflexes. Potassium also plays a role in maintaining water balance in the body. Thats why athletes and heavy workers consume enough potassium is recommended.
Potassium is also believed to be high blood pressure-lowering mineral. On the other hand, the kiwi is almost no elements of sodium, which some researchers are recognized as trigger high blood pressure.

Of the 27 types of fruits commonly consumed in the United States, fruit kiwilah the highest levels of magnesium. Low magnesium intake can lead to heart disease, myocardial infarction, and hypertension.

This is The Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet is usually done by limiting the intake of carbohydrates to switch the bodys metabolism. Normally the body convert glucose into energy, but replaced with a convert stored fat into energy.

This diet is said to not only help you lose weight, but also make people so hungry for low-carbohydrate diets, and eat more protein and fat.

Weight naturally present in the body will be reduced because of the fat that had been stored will be metabolized by the body into energy source. For some experts said that this diet can provide good health benefits.

Steps taken in implementing the Atkins diet

The person doing the Atkins diet should regulate the amount of food consumed and should avoid or severely limit your intake of sugars, including refined sugar, white rice or white flour.

Allowed to eat pure protein foods such as red meat, eggs, different kinds of cheese, fish including shellfish, poultry such as chicken, tuna fish and use olive oil if you want to make a salad.

But on the other hand is very limited carbohydrate intake is about 20 grams per day in the first 2 weeks of dieting. Then the intake of carbohydrates in the form of fiber-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables.

From time to time during the transition from log to maintain weight then gradually increased carbohydrate intake, such as eating fruits, vegetables and foods that contain wheat.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Women Requires a Different Supplements

Without realizing it many health supplements are the same women who consumed the supplement guy. whereas in this case the needs of women and men have different health supplements. Women need different supplements in terms of hormones, increase sexual urge, PMS and menopausal problems.

Similarly, pregnant women who require different supplements with others. in this case should consult with your obstetrician.

With the right supplements can be very beneficial for your health. Many products on the market with low quality supplements on the market that contain chemicals that can be addictive and harmful to health in the long run.

Here are tips on health benefits the right supplements for health and quality.

1. More energy is obtained

2. improve the quality of sleep

3. Improve the quality of libido and sexual performance

4. Masalh reduce PMS

5. Increase endurance

6. Good for the skin and memory

Make sure you can determine the right supplement for your needs. Begin choosing natural product-based supplements that are proven safe and beneficial for health.

A Simple Tactic To Stop Nail Biting

nail bitingA simple solution to your problem is developing a clear mental picture of the nails you intend to achieve if you are successful with your decision to quit nail biting. It is necessary for you to know where you are heading with your plan. If you know the outcome, it will certainly be easier for you to try harder to obtain your goal.

Many nail biters have difficulty visualizing well groomed nails when they have their rough and serrated nails in front of their eyes. You need to take some time to imagine how the white edges will finally go beyond the tips of your fingers and form attractive nails that you will be able to place in front of you on tables confidently without the anxiety of others seeing them. It would be such a relief for you to not waste your energy on hiding your hands from everyone. Imagine how people will comment on your pretty nails and how that will boost up your pride.

If this does not work, simply cut out a picture of beautifully groomed nails from a magazine or search for an appropriate photo on the internet and print it out.

When you have a vivid mental vision of your ideal nails, compare them to your present unappealing nails and your determination to quit nail biting will definitely increase.

Several people are skeptic about this method. They ask how imagining the end result can increase your chances of victory. Actually, the brain cannot differentiate between what you are imagining and what it is actually seeing. This technique cunningly tricks the mind into thinking that you have long nails, and then you will automatically work towards attaining them as quickly as you can. Many successful athletes in the world use this method to win contests and competitions. They are living proof of how effective this way really is.

Keep envisioning the output of your efforts for a few weeks and the key is: dont give up. Soon you will be very close to fulfilling your objective.

This simple tip may sound silly or even unrealistic, but when applied it will make the difference between being successful and not being successful. Its an important part of the equation to keep things in a good, health matter and do the steps outlined that will bring you closer to success and faster than you might have though possible.

Article by : Phil Isenmann

Article Source : A Simple Tactic To Stop Nail Biting

Private doctors for help our better healthy

Healthy is the important thing for life. Healthy must keep to all the people for their life. They must go to the hospital or the clinic for check up the part of the body that suffer of the illness. People must consult their healthy for their life better. They go to the specialist for the healthy. For some ways people don’t need to go to the other place because they have private doctors that can arrive in our home. We just call and the doctors can arrive directly to our house if we getting sick. 

The private doctors usually had been familiar for our family members. They usually built by generation to generation for our members of family. For this time, people mustn’t move to the others place for consult to the private doctors. They just can use the internet access for chat with private doctors like in Washington DC. Doctors Washington DC has one site that’s support the connection for the internet for their patient service. They give one stop medical service for their patient members to handling their illness for the patient members. They use some media for support the connection with their private member patient to chat directly. The patient can consult directly wherever they need their doctors.

 Doctor DC always available to help their patient needed. They can doing little conversation that’s help the patient needed. For payment they just transfer their money for the payment of the consultation. This time is very simple by using the technology. Everything can support by using technology. They can do anything what they want. People can protect their healthy in others place directly with their private doctors that help to keep the healthy. They can trust the receipt from the private doctor because they don’t need the others doctor to help the illness. Physician Washington DC can help the patient with their history of the patient illness. The doctors easily help to protect their patient more safety by know the history of their healthy. If we go to the others of the doctor we can’t trust the handling because they just assume the illness of the new patient that’s handling by the new doctors members. But, if we meet our private doctor which know for our history of the illness is important for trust the handling for our doctor. So, always keep the good relations with our doctor for our better healthy.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Not All Dark Chocolate Healthy

Not All Dark Chocolate Healthy | Dark chocolate that has a cocoa content of more than 65 percent of the lot referred to as super foods to prevent heart defect. But the amount of flavonoids in chocolate are inconsistent and often not mentioned in the label.

Flavonoids are antioxidants in cocoa plants, flavonoids are a key prevention of disease, as healthy blood vessels. However, the levels of flavonoids in chocolate varies per product. This is due to the distillation process of any fruit affects the cocoa antioxidant levels.
Not All Dark Chocolate Healthy

Researchers from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom analyzed 12 brands of dark chocolate and found flavonoid levels in each brand is different, ranging from 90 mg to 900 mg/pack

According to Catherine Kwik-Uribe, PhD from Mars Botanical, studies suggest flavonoid intake of 200 mg per day of heart-healthy cocoa. But the flavonoid vary in each product, so consumers do not necessarily get the health benefits of each product.

"Consumption of flavonoid chocolate on a regular basis is healthy, but we need to know exactly how many there are in the products we consume. Unfortunately rather difficult to get recommendation for sure,"
he said.

Another difficulty is the flavonoid content of cocoa is not included in the packaging label.

Even so do not worry, however dark chocolate snacking rated healthier than other snacks that contain higher sugar.

benefits of rhubarb juice

Benefits of Rhubarb Juice
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benefits of rhubarb juice
High in vitamin C and potassium.

Usually prepared with substantial amounts of sugar or other sweeteners.
Contains oxalic acid, which inhibits calcium and iron absorption.
Leaves are high poisonous.
benefits of rhubarb juice
Rhubarb is generally regarded as a fruit, botanically it is a vegetable. rhubarb is available in frozen and canned forms, but most people prefer to cook the fresh stalks themselves. One cup of fresh diced rhubarb yields a mere 26 calories and provides 10 mg of vitamin C (16% of the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA), as well as 350 mg of potassium. This same serving size also contains more than 100mg of calcium, however rhubarb is not considered a good source of these mineral, since it also contains oxalic acid, which not only blocks the absorption of this calcium but also that from any other dietary sources, because it has a high oxalic acid content, large amounts of rhubarb should be avoided by anyone with a tendency to develop oxalate containing kidney stones or bladder stones.
benefits of rhubarb juice
Only the rhubarb stalks are eaten the leaves are highly poisonous, because raw rhubarb stalks are stringy in texture and tart in flavor, most people will consume them only when cooked with large amounts of sugar or honey, thus in flatting the calorie count. One cup of cooked sweetened rhubarb yields 280 calories, to avoid extra calories, try cooking the stalks with sweet fruits, such as strawberries or apples. A favorite springtime pie filling, rhubarb can also be made into preserves, or it can be stewed to make compote or sauces to complement poultry, other meat dishes, and desserts. When cooked sweetened, rhubarb will turn brownish in color. Ti should not be prepared in aluminum or cast iron pots, which will interact with the acid in the vegetable and darken both the pot and the rhubarb.
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
benefits of rhubarb juice
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