
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

8 Types of Fruit are Recommended During Fasting and Saur

8 Types of Fruit are Recommended During Fasting and Saur
Of the many types of fruit, date palm is the most recommended for consumption as the main menu or companion during sahur and iftar. Because the dates are the foods rich in sugar glucose. Dates contain large amounts of sugar, which ranges between 75-87%. Approximately 55% of the sugar glucose in the form of dates, while 45% longer to form fructose.

Glucose in dates that we eat when breaking the fast would turn into fructose, then directly absorbed through the digestive system to water the body thirst for energy. Especially the networks that are essentially dependent on the supply of high-energy, such as brain cells, nerve cells, red blood cells and the cells of the spine.

In addition to glucose, dates also contain a certain amount of fat, protein, and some vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B12. Dates also contain several minerals, especially calcium, sulfate, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, brass, manganese, cobalt, zinc, as well as a number of cellulose.

In addition to dates, some other kind of fruit is also recommended to be consumed during the fasting of Ramadan. Below are eight types of fruits are recommended to always present in the dawn and breaking fast menu:

1. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe contains a lot of vitamin A. Sweet taste in cantaloupe has absorption function or perform absorption in the intestine that is often caused by eating a hurry so that food is not chewed properly. In addition, eating cantaloupe also helps absorb substances that are not needed from eating a lot of spicy foods, drugs precipitate, even overcoming nausea because of stress.

2. Bananas

The content of the banana fruit such as vitamins A, B1, B2 and C can help reduce stomach acid. Because it can help maintain water balance in the body, the banana is suitable for consumption by people who are fasting.

3. Papaya

Papaya contains vitamin C and provitamin A fiber that can help break down food in the digestive system and make a steady diet of digestive tract smoothly. Constipation problem will terasatasi.

4. Apple

Apples are loaded with vitamin A, B and C. Apples can help lower blood cholesterol levels and solve problems that are too large appetite.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, B1 and C as well as antioxidants, good for fighting free radicals substances. So that the immune system is maintained fasting person from the virus.

6. Mango

Mangoes are loaded with vitamin A, E and C that can help cleanse the blood. For those who are fasting, drinking mango juice can reduce dehydration.

7. Orange

Oranges are loaded with vitamin A, B1, B2 and C as well as anti-cancer to the body. Citrus fruits can also stimulate the immune system, cleanse mucus and nasal cavity ditenggorokan from influenza.

8. Starfruit

Star fruit contains vitamin C and provitamin A. Star fruit useful to help facilitate digestion, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body.

But keep in mind, you have a sensitive stomach problems should be careful in choosing the fruit. Choose mangoes, oranges, star fruit is ripe and sweet, do not be young and sour taste. Do not let your intentions for healthy precisely because of painful stomach problems. Thats 8 types of fruit are recommended during fasting and saur. see also careful eating fried foods during fasting.

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