
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

benefits of eating chestnuts

Benefits of Eating Chestnuts
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benefits of eating chestnuts
Rich in folate and vitamins C and B6
A good source of iron, phosphorus, riboflavin and thiamin.
Much lower in fat and calories than almost all other nuts.

Tend to be expensive and are sometimes difficult to find.
benefits of eating chestnuts
Unlike most other nuts, chestnuts are made up all most completely of carbohydrates, and they are low in fat and calories. They are also high in number of important nutrients, a ¾ cup serving provides more than 40% of the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA of vitamin C, 35% of the RDA of folate, and 25 % of the vitamin B6 RDA. The same size serving, which contains 240 calories, 3g of protein, and 2 g of fate, also contributes more than 10% of the RDAs for iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and thiamine.
benefits of eating chestnuts
After chestnuts are picked, their starch begins to turn to sugar, giving the nuts their mild, sweet flavor. Chestnuts are almost always cooked, either by roasting or boiling, before they are eaten. When heated, the nuts sweet and crack their thin, soft shell, which makes them easier to peel.
Chestnuts are often used in baked desserts. Roasted nuts can be dried and ground into flour that makes a rich, flavorful crust for tarts or pies. Boiled chestnuts, which have a consistency similar to that of potatoes, can be mashed or pureed to add to cake batter or used as a pastry filling. They are also served as part of a traditional thanks giving dinner, either as a side dish or added to turkey stuffing. Marrons glaces a delicacy available in gourmet shops are peeled whole chestnuts preserved in sweet syrup.
The chestnut develops inside a prickly burr that is gathered after it falls from the tree in early autumn. It should not be confused with the horse chestnut, which is inedible. At one time the American chestnut tree grow abundantly in the more temperate regions of the United State of America, but blight in the early 1900s destroyed almost all of these trees. Since them, a hybrid of the American tree and the oriental chestnut tree has been introduced; however, most of the chestnuts now sold in supermarkets in the United States of America are imported from Italy and Spain. Other major producers are China and South Korea.
benefits of eating chestnuts
These crunchy vegetable, which are served in many Asian dishes, salad, and soups, are unrelated to chestnuts, in fact, they are not nuts nor do they grow on trees. Instead, water chestnuts are tubers that grow wild in marshes or the shallow water along lakeshore in China, Japan and the East Indies. The Chinese also cultivate water chestnuts as a second crop in their rice paddies.
Most water chestnuts sold in the United States are imported from China. They contain moderate amounts of protein and vitamin C, but they are not as nutritious as potatoes and other tuberous vegetables.
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts
benefits of eating chestnuts

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