
Monday, September 30, 2013

benefits of eating apricots

Benefits of Eating Apricots
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Benefits of Eating Apricots
A rich source of beta carotene, iron and potassium.
High in fiber, low in calories.
Dried apricots and apricot leather are nutritious, fat free snack foods.

Sulfate preservatives in some dried apricots can trigger an allergic reaction or asthma attack in people susceptible to these disorders.
Dried apricots leave a sticky residue on teeth that can lead to cavities.
A natural salicylate in apricots may trigger an allergic reaction in aspirin sensitive people.
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Apricots as a fruit having two different quality, apricot is a fruit and inside apricot having a delicious nuts as same like almond, ideal for both snacks and desserts, apricots are tasty, easy to digest, high in fiber, low in calories, about 50% calories in 3 fresh apricots and 85 in 10 dried apricots, virtually fat free and highly nutritious. Three fresh apricots or 10 dried apricots also provide more than 25 % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin A in its plant (beta carotene) form. When consumed from foods, beta carotene is an ANTIOXIDANT a substance that protects against the cell damage that occurs when the body burns oxygen. This damage is thought to be instrumental in aging and the development of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Fresh apricots are rich in vitamin C, another antioxidant that helps your body absorb iron (much of this vitamin C is lost, however when apricots are canned or dried). apricots are high in iron as well as potassium a mineral essential for proper nerve and muscle function that also helps maintain normal blood pressure and balance of body fluids.
Apricots contain a natural salicylate, the major ingredient in aspirin. People sensitive to aspirin may experience an allergic response.
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Ounce for ounce, dried apricots are more nutritious than the fresh or canned fruit. The reason dried apricots are only 32 % water, compared to 85 % water in the fresh fruit. They are a more concentrated source of calories, 50 calories in 4 ounces of fresh apricots  versus 260 in 4 ounces (about 30 apricots) of the dried. When eaten in moderation, dried apricots are a compact and convenient source of nutrition pact and convenient source of nutrition.
Apricots are often treated with sulfur dioxide before they are dried to preserve their color and certain nutrients. This sufite treatment may trigger an asthma attack or allergic reaction in susceptible people. Unless dried apricots are labeled as sufite free, anymore with asthma should avoid them.
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Laetrile, or amygdalin, is a highly controversial substance derived from apricots pits. Legally it cannot be sold as a medical treatment, but it is available a nutritional supplement, often called vitamin B17 in health food stores. it is promoted in anecdotal literature or by word of mouth as an alternative treatment for cancer, heart disease, allergies, liver disorders , and other diseases, however numerous studies have failed to find any benefit from laetrile. Indeed, apricots pits and other sources of laetrile contain cyanide. Consuming large amounts of laetrile carries a risk of cyanide poisoning, therefore, doctors warn against ingesting apricots pits.
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Benefits of Eating Apricots
Benefits of Eating Apricots
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Flu Home Remedies Simple And Easy To Use

Unfortunately none of us are immune to getting sick, especially in the winter when we spend more time inside spreading germs back and forth to one another.  If you have the flu and want to get over it as soon as possible, who wouldnt?, then here are some simple flu home remedies that should help.
Of course, if youre vomiting and/or have diarrhea to the point where you cant keep anything down you may want to visit your doctor.  There are some nasty flu strains going around and even if the flu you have is just a normal seasonal flu, its still easy to get dehydrated which in itself can be dangerous.  Better to be safe than sorry.

In the meantime, try these simple remedies so you can start feeling better sooner:

1.  If you are suffering from a sore throat a good remedy is a saltwater gargle.  All you have to do is add about a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and mix.  Take a large amount in your mouth, dont swallow it, and gargle.  Repeat a few times.  Make sure you dont swallow the salt water because that can upset your stomach even further.  You can do this several times throughout the day.

2. To ease your sore throat and calm your stomach you can use a blend of herbs to make a tea.  Mix bayberry bark with ginger root in the following amounts: 1 teaspoon of bayberry bark, 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne powder and add to 1 cup of boiling water, allow it to steep for about 30 minutes than enjoy.

3. There are many home made cough syrup recipes you can use (check out this free ebook on herbal cures to find out more), for now try this one: take two parts elecampane root , two parts marshmallow root, and one part horehound root, mix altogether and cover with honey.  Let stand in a warm area of your home for about 24 hours.  Strain the mixture and take syrup as needed, about a teaspoon at a time.

There are many other types of cough syrup and tea recipes that can help you feel better when you are sick.  You may want to try different recipes to find the ones that you like the best: have the best flavor and work well for you.

And of course if you want to prevent sickness keep stocked up on some things that will help keep your immune system strong: Vitamin C, garlic, cinnamon, and honey to name a few.  You can also add some fresh lemon juice to warm water and drink it daily to keep your immune system in tip top shape.
Hopefully you can escape the cold and flu season unscathed, but if you do catch some nasty bug use these flu home remedies.  Not only can they help you feel better sooner, you can save some money on all the expensive over the counter medications.  Youre already sick, you dont need to make it worse by having a big bill from your local drug store!

The Psychological Impact Of Serious Disease

Psychological_Impact_of_Breast_AugmentationWhen people are diagnosed with a very serious form of cancer, one that usually proves fatal in a relatively short amount of time, they are usually unprepared for the devastating psychological impact. Everyone understands the physical aspects of a cancer diagnosis. The pain, chemotherapy, hair loss and drug therapy. Yet many people are completely unprepared for the emotional devastation they will experience.

It is not uncommon to experience few symptoms of cancer until the disease has progressed too far for treatment. Patients may have felt somewhat tired and worn down, but this can easily be attributed to other causes. It is only when other symptoms manifest, such as unexplained weight loss and breathing problems, that they consult a doctor and receive a devastating diagnosis.

Many people simply cant believe that exposure to asbestos many years ago is now their death warrant. In fact, most have probably forgotten about what seemed like a trivial matter thirty years or more ago. Maybe they worked in construction, or were in the ship building industry, where asbestos was a commonly used material that no one gave much thought to.

Few patients are prepared for the financial implications of a cancer diagnosis. As their health takes a rapid downward spiral, they are left unable to work, pay their mortgage or support their family. Medical bills can pile up fast, and some treatments may not even be covered by insurance. Because of the poor prognosis, some people opt to try new experimental drug treatments. These especially may be viewed sceptically by the insurance companies, and the patient is left with the bills.

Many suffers find themselves tempted to consult with an attorney to discuss a financial damages settlement. Many lawyers have found rare cancers that have a direct link to asbestos exposure are a lucrative way to win a case against the employer who knowingly allowed the exposure.

One of the most important issues facing any patient of an asbestos related cancer is to find a really experienced doctor. Because these cases are quite rare, many doctors are not familiar with treating them. On line searches should be able to yield the few really good centers in the country that handle many of the cases.

For someone with a recent diagnosis there are many mesothelioma resources. Support groups can provide an emotional lifeline for many sufferers. Many of the groups are now online, helping victims of this devastating disease to connect no matter where they live.

Article by : Gerardo Dicola

Article Source : The Psychological Impact Of Serious Disease

Obesity’s Links to Cancer

In recent years, countless studies have begun to shed light on a connection that many doctors have long suspected existed: that between obesity and cancer. As a matter of fact, a study recently conducted in the U.S. concludes that there are over 100,000 cases of cancer in that country each year that could be prevented if people took measures to reduce body fat. These cases account for around 6% of all cancer cases, and with obesity on the rise virtually everywhere, we’re likely to see these numbers go up in the coming years.
How Does Obesity Lead to Cancer?
In general, the higher one’s BMI (body mass index), the more at risk they are for cancer. Most classification systems say that obese people have a BMI index over 30, while people who are merely overweight have a BMI between 25 and 29.9. Being in these categories creates a higher risk of all sorts of illnesses in addition to cancer, including diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Without getting too technical, obesity leads to cancer, basically, by disrupting the body’s natural chemical balance. Excess fat causes people to produce unhealthy amounts of the types of chemicals, especially certain hormones, that are associated with increased cancer risk. Meanwhile, excess fat also suppresses the production of certain other chemicals that help to fight back against cancer. For example, obese people tend to have lower levels of testosterone, a hormone which is known to have tumor-fighting properties.
Types of Cancer Caused by Obesity
There are two types of cancer that are thought to be frequently associated with increased levels of insulin and estrogen in obese women: breast cancer, and uterine (endometrial) cancer. In the case of uterine cancer, as much as 40 percent of all cases are directly linked to cancer. The ratio is smaller when it comes to breast cancer, but doctors think that the trend is increasing.
In men, overweight and obesity are thought to have a strong connection with colon cancer, a connection which is not found in women. One theory behind this fact is that men and women tend to store fat in different places. While women store it around the thighs, buttocks, and hips, men tend to store it around the abdomen.

It’s thought that high levels of fat around the mid-section in obese men creates a type of chemical imbalance that effects the digestive system, particularly the colon.
Finally, in both men and women, esophogeal cancer has a high correlation with obesity. Obese people are twice as likely to develop a form of cancer known as adenocarcinoma, which some doctors think may be related to high levels of gastric reflux among overweight people.
Can Healthy Lifestyle Reverse the Risk?
The result of this new information is that it gives us yet another reason to spread awareness about the health risks associated with obesity. More research is needed into whether or not the risk of cancer associated with obesity can be reduced by losing weight, but doctors say that it can’t hurt. While being obese for a substantial period of time may cause some permanent damage, the less time an individual spends living an unhealthy lifestyle, the better.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Benefits of Bananas Make Healthy Colon

Benefits of Bananas | Make Healthy Colon - What is the equation of bananas with corn, eggs, salmon, and spinach? A vitamin that is very good for your colon! It is Vitamin B6. Science has shown that with adequate intake of vitamin B6 each day, then you can avoid the risk of colon and rectal cancer.

In a large study that looked for associations of vitamin B6 with colon health, those with the highest intake of vitamin B6 from diet and supplements proved to have very little chance of getting colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and rectum) up to 20-30%. And this is just a new study shows one of the many benefits of vitamin B6. The researchers speculate that vitamin B6 plays a role in maximizing the folate in the body of work so that the process of bowel movement to be smooth.

In addition to a healthy colon, vitamin B6 also helps prevent Parkinsons disease and depression. Instead, the consumption of bananas in increments of 1 ½ -2 bananas a day to meet the bodys need for vitamin B6 and folate.

In order to not get bored with the usual bananas, bananas vary with some of the following ways:

- Make it as a substitute for butter on bread wheat. - Mix the ice cream/low fat-free chocolate with banana flavor. - Replace the cheese with a banana as the contents of your current rice cracker snack.

Types of Food as Destroyer of Fat

Some foods that act as the destroyer of fat.

Here are some types of foods that contain fiber to destroy the fat:
type food destroyer fat
Green grass jelly

Contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, vitamins A and B. 100 grams of green grass jelly contains 6.23 grams of crude fiber, adequate to meet daily fiber needs. Another benefit, which was to reduce heartburn, lowers blood pressure, relieve dysentery, mouth sores, ulcers, and fever.


Agar-agar, made ​​from seaweed, contain water-soluble food fiber. Properties that are soluble fiber foods is its ability to lower blood cholesterol concentrations so as to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.

Black grass jelly

Traditionally believed to be a hot reliever, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, digestive disorders prevention and lowering blood pressure.

Green tea

Contains polyphenols, high doses of antioxidants effectively combat free radicals. Polyphenol compounds help keep blood vessels from a contraction that could potentially raise blood pressure, also helps reduce the risk of cancer, as well as effective for weight loss.

Rosella tea

Research shows, rosella contains betasitosterol which have chemical structures similar to cholesterol. Its function inhibits the absorption of cholesterol.

Consumption of one liter of rosella tea before breakfast for four weeks is also capable of lowering blood pressure low and medium levels. Power works almost the same as anti-hypertensive drug commercial.

Hair Care and Skin Care Tips

People usually try to find the best solution for any kind of hair services or treatment. Some also require special skin and body services. From hair products to body and spa treatments, you can possibly find any thing in this world for the care of your body. Moreover, if you are having any specific problem, for example related to hair loss, you can find expert assistance near you through the internet.

Hair Care

The internet has a complete catalog of hair products required for daily use, or for taking care of a special hair problem. You will get solutions for faster hair growth, thicker hair, itching, dermatitis, flaking, sores, dandruff etc. Be aware, you can not be a hundred percent sure that the solution will work. In the worst case, the remedy might backfire and create even more problems. Here are some quick tips:
· Eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins like walnuts, almonds, milk, eggs and fatty fish
· Avoid using hot water for washing hair
· Do not go for shampoos with ammonium lauryl sulfate since it is a hard lathering agent
· Use topical creams which have zinc as the active ingredient to fight off bacteria and fungi in case of itchy scalp
· Massage the scalp regularly to facilitate the natural oil to the hair and allow good blood flow.

Skin Care

Common skin problems involve acne, zits, dry skin, under eye dark circles, wrinkling of skin etc. A firming serum for getting rid of those wrinkles is quite common. Although the market is full of products which guarantee fast results, and some might even do; the long term effects of using such products is still uncertain.

For this reason, always spend extra on tested and certified skin care products. Here are some quick tips to ensure that your skin is clean and rejuvenated each day:
· Face wash, preferably with herbal extracts, must be used twice a day
· Good quality sunscreens with an SPF above 30 must be applied to skin. Make sure that the sun screen provides protection against UVA and UVB sun rays.
· For radiant skin, find skin products which have anti oxidants like vitamin E or vitamin C.
· Experts suggest that many layers like foundations must not be left applied on the skin as they block the pores and allow bacteria to get lodged in them. So be sure to remove all make up using a make up remover before you go to bed.

So, next time you are looking for solutions for all your hair or skin problems, just visit

Article by : Jo Ramani, Source:

How To Maintain Good Posture

Good posture is the essence of a young-looking body. Good posture also
prevents neck problems, exercises the abdominal and pelvic muscles,
protects your back as you lift and carry, and makes fitness workouts
more effective.

Check Yourself: Poor posture can lead to backache and a stiff neck and
shoulders. Check your posture at regular intervals, perhaps when you
stop at a red light or on the hourly news report. Stretch, shake out
tension, and restack the vertebrae.

Sitting Posture: On a chair, imagine your tailbone is dropping heavily onto
the seat behind you. This helps bring your spine into neutral. Visualize
space between each vertebra.

Seated Rotation: To slow loss of spinal mobility with age, rotate the spine
It recharges vital energy, helping to relieve lower back pain and
digestive ills. Sit
tall facing forward, feet flat on the floor.

While You Wait: Practice standing well at the supermarket checkout, while
waiting for a bus, or at the water cooler. Stand with feet hip-width apart,
outside edges parallel.

Walking Tall: To improve your posture as you walk, lift your gaze from the
and look a good way in front of you, fixing your eyes on objects
at eye level.

Pelvic Lift: Pelvic muscles weaken with age, especially after menopause. To
guard against stress incontinence, do pelvic floor.

Safe Lifting: To safeguard the spine and joints in age, remember the rules of lifting and carrying: keep heavy loads close to your center of gravity, distribute weight evenly on right and left feet, and when picking up and putting down bend your legs, not your spine.

5 Tips Thin Body Without Torturing

To get the ideal weight and ideal posture effort is needed, but by no means have to torture yourself. There are many common mistakes made, so exercise and diet program so inhuman.In order to attempt to lose weight continues to be something fun, theres no harm in applying some of these tips.  

 1. There was supposed to be back at practice tormented stomach 
Although potent tighten abdominal crunches movement because it triggers often complained of back pain. This movement is not recommended for beginners, as it takes great strength of muscle to avoid injury to the spine. There are many variations of movement that is comfortable, yet no less potent flatten the stomach, for example crounch, namely his feet and shoulders together in a lying position.

 2. Minimal power but maximum combustion 
Many people think the more the energy released is greater calorie burning and reckless jogging for hours until struggling. Not completely wrong, but trying to do strenuous exercise with maximum strength for a few minutes. Research shows the effect is the same as resistance training for hours.

 3. Take advantage of good fats
 Reduce portions of fatty foods is necessary when you want to lose weight. But some fats are still needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil. Even the brown fat or brown fat can actually help increase fat burning bad makes fat. 

 4. Enjoy the process
 When someone starts fixated on a target, sometimes disappointing results in the short term could undermine the spirit because of his efforts seem futile. Likewise, when diet and exercise, if you do not enjoy the process will quickly get bored. Conversely if you can feel the benefits of diet and exercise, although weight does not go down the heart will still be happy and as a bonus is not easy illness.

 5. No need to starve 
One mistake to avoid when dieting is breakfast, with a view to reducing calorie intake. Besides being effective, this method will only be torturing yourself because the body will lack energy supplies until it was time for lunch. All you need do is actually a diet, not merely reducing it alone.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

One More Proof Sleep Deprivation Trigger Diabetes

One More Proof, Sleep Deprivation Trigger Diabetes? | A recent research suggesting a link between lack of sleep and the risk of diabetes. In their research, scientists from the Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston found, inconsistent sleep schedule or sleep deprivation can increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In his study, researchers monitored 21 healthy people, who all live in a sleep laboratory for nearly six weeks, in which the cycles of sleep, diet and activity are all controlled by researcher.

The findings showed that participants who are only allowed to sleep about six hours a night and experienced a shift in the cycle sleep/wake has a blood sugar level is higher and tends to slow down the metabolic process.

"The level of glucose that higher for long periods of time on some of the participants could be increased to pre-diabetes," said the researcher. These findings were published on 11 April 2012 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Sleep and blood sugar

In the study, researchers conducted blood tests to measure levels of several hormones, including insulin, cortisol (stress related), and leptin and ghrelin (which relate to regulate appetite).

They found that disrupted sleep schedules cause a decrease in 32 percent of the amount of insulin released in the body after eating. Insulin is a key hormone in the regulation of blood sugar.

"The decline in insulin levels is one explanation of how the disruption or lack of sleep can cause diabetes," said Lisa Rafalson, a professor of pediatrics and family medicine at the University at Buffalo.

Rafalson revealed an increase in stress hormones that kept awake the body can cause hormonal imbalances. "Insulin can not perform their duties efficiently, so you end up getting the remaining excess glucose in the bloodstream," he said.

While the latest findings, the researchers did not notice any changes in hormone levels gheriln (which increases appetite) on the sleep-deprived participants. Whereas some previous studies showed that sleep deprivation can lead to higher levels of the hormone ghrelin and leptin are lower.

Related to these findings, Fonseca said, researchers need to find out if there is a solution to prevent the increased risk of diabetes in addition to sleep more.

"The reality is that many people who sleep less because they work. We need to identify if there is anything else they can do to fix it," he said.

Grow Carambola Star Fruit

Carambola, commonly known as "star fruit" is a plant native to the tropical lowlands of India, Malaysia and Indonesia. There is a tree of small to medium sized, with fallen branches, up to 20 meters 30 meters high and produces yellow-golden period of only five points / edges, elliptical, oval fruit 2-1/2 "to 6". The fruits are due to the oxalic acid content of the pulp. The fruit is a good source of vitamins A, B and C and other valuable minerals such as iron. Parts of plants, many of the tree have medicinal properties (such as chopped leaves .. treating ringworm, chicken pox, and young fruit pulp is used for polishing the brassware root extract for the treatment of poisoning).

- - Variety - -

Decide what you want to develop. There are two main types of production of fruit or sweet or sour. Desserts include up to 5% of the types of sugar and acid have up to 1% acid. Chinese-style "Tung Fuang" is very soft, while "Brazil" are full of vitamin C are fruits exotic star
Hawaii -> Golden Star, Taiwan -> Tean Ma and Tao Min, and Columbia -> Icambola. You can buy seeds of exotic species of correspondence.

- - The climate and soil - -

Carambola best when its hot and high humidity, the mountains and up to 1 mile. The normal rainfall throughout the year promotes the growth and fruit to choose from, where annual precipitation is 70 "or more. Carambola possible in all types of soils with good drainage for development. Carom Even if you can grow in acidic soils or alkaline, but prefers acid soil, rich in depth, which promotes better plant growth.

- - Plantation - -

Carambola is usually by seed, but the graft in the grass are encouraged to produce more plants. Due to their low viability of seeds sown fresh after cleaning and drying. Be the first seeds in small containers / pots of moist peat sown and transplanted in the areas near the plants seem to be used as evidence. The seeds germinate in 5-7 days in summer, while it takes 12 to 18 days in winter.

Seedlings of 12 feet, 16 feet away to make way for fallen branches and thick mature. The plants are very sensitive and need good care. Protect young trees from cold winds.

- - Maintenance - -

Fertilizer is not necessary, but it is recommended that fruits, foods and fertilizers with organic manure / fertilizers, encouraging £ 10 £ 20. per plant / year. Pruning is necessary, but only slightly. Spray four times with fewer items during the year as the trees in calcareous soils. Add iron, zinc and manganese chlorosis occurs.

- - Collection - -

The plants in about 4-5 years to produce fruit. Carambola flowers 3-4 times a year to monitor the harvest, the fruit is heavy in summer, others are for high season from November to December and March-April, the collection steadily throughout the year in tropical areas. Best food for the maturation of knowledge to the sweet taste of fruit. If the fruit fly is present, the fruit can be packed in plastic bags for protection. You can expect a tree of average production cost of about 40 pounds of fruit per year can be harvested up to 300 pounds of fruits of a healthy growth of trees.

- - Services - Industry -

To purify the type of acid used red ball and polished brass, acid to dissolve the rust and oxidation. Juice bleach rust stains on clothing. Fruit juice is also used for dyeing of cloth or paper.

- - The culinary and medicinal - -

Star fruit juice is refreshing and served as a refreshing drink in Asia. Do in Hawaii, the result of this acid with the juices and juice, jam, sugar and lemon in hot water mixed with ice.

The flowers are edible and are often served in salads, added Indonesia. In India, the flowers are stored and used to make tea.

In Asia, since the ripe fruit to stop the bleeding. Fruit juices or dried are used to lower fever, treatment of nausea and diarrhea, to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning and prevention of kidney disease.

Powerful Diet Tips Prevent Cellulite

One of the common skin problems in women are complaining about is the emergence of cellulite. This skin problems arising from fat deposits under the skin that forms like orange peel. Cellulite can interfere with their appearance and self-confidence will definitely reduce.
 Although can not be removed, cellulite can be prevented with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
To prevent this, follow these diet tips:


1. Eat Fruits 
The fruit is rich in nutrients and water that can clean up toxins in the skin. Besides fruit also contains natural sweetener that can help reduce the desire for other sweet foods that contribute to the emergence of cellulite. The best foods that can help reduce cellulite are apples, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, citrus, mango, strawberry and raspberry.
2. Vegetable
Vegetables are rich in fiber and nutrients that can help get rid of toxins in the fat cells and revitalize and renew the skin cells die. Expand the consumption of carrot, leek, spinach and tomato.

 3. Healthy Fats 
Healthy fats can help create a feeling of fullness after eating so as not to feel hungry again. So very healthy fats play an important role in the diet. Cant get healthy fats from olive oil, peanut butter, seeds, olives and avocado. Consumption are also some types of fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon and sardines.

4. Drink a lot of 

Dehydration or lack of fluids can cause cellulite appears. Therefore, the water is very important to prevent the incidence of strokes on the skin. Water also helps cleanse toxins harmful to fat cells can be removed from the body. Fluid that is good for the body is white water, lime juice, herbal tea, fresh fruit juice and vegetable juice.

5. Avoid Fatty Foods & High Calories

 Foods that should be avoided so successful diet is red meat, full cream milk, salt, refined sugar and processed foods. Also avoid foods that are not fueled by natural and contain preservatives are exacerbating cellulite and increase toxins in the body.

6. Wheat consumption 

Consume excess carbohydrates such as white rice, pasta and bread, will be easily converted into glucose (blood sugar). The body tends to store glucose can create new fat cells, to induce skin and fat, there was the cellulite. To prevent this, renew the intake of carbohydrates with whole grain, such as oatmeal or whole wheat bread.

Eating fruit good for male fertility

Eating fruit good for male fertility
Healthiest Fruits: A study revealed that a lack of nutritious foods and being overweight can lower the concentration of sperm and affect the ability of sperm to swim toward the egg. The scientists also encourage him to consume healthiest fruits and grains to increase the chances of successful fertilization outside the womb.

In the past, female fertility problems associated with obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol, but it is not so obvious until it was found that the same thing happen to him.

Recent findings in men and women who have fertility treatment, suggesting that the habit of drinking regularly and eat less nutritious foods that will lower the quality of their fertility.

Chairman of the researchers, Edson Borges of Fertility-Assisted Fertilization Center in Sao Paolo, said, The concentration of sperm is affected negatively by body weight index and alcohol consumption, and positively influenced by the consumption of cereals and nutritious meals every day. Research in Brazil involves 250 men and their partners who are doing fertility treatment called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Each participant was asked to say how often they consumed a number of foods, including fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, meat and fish. They also were asked how often drinking alcohol and smoking. Semen sample was then analyzed to determine their health and concentration of sperm in each pair were monitored during treatment.

Related to this, experts are now encouraged to do the diet on foods rich in fruits and seeds for the success of the treatment process.

The eggs are successfully fertilized in the treatment of it is three-quarters of the participants, and just less than 40 percent of women who become pregnant during treatment. Judging from the speed of the sperm reaches the egg cell mate; the men who like to drink alcohol and eat less nutritious foods tend to be less fertile.

Lynn Westphal, a specialist in the field of health and fertility of Stanford University, hopes that these results, published in Fertility and Sterility Journal, will encourage men to choose a healthier lifestyle. Were talking about a healthy lifestyle and try to eliminate some bad things on health. But in my opinion, the most important thing is to make women healthy as possible, he said as quoted by the Daily Mail Monday, November 21, 2011.

Friday, September 27, 2013

12 Ways To Stay Slim Diet And Exercise

No need to go to the gym every day or diet desperately to keep your body ideal. Improve the daily life style as used for breakfast, eat small meals and the other will also keep your body slim. Want to know the habits of what can keep the weight without exercise? Here are 12 ways to keep your body slim without diet and exercise:

1. Vegetable
Make sure half of your meals filled vegetables. Vegetables contain fiber and water that will facilitate digestion and keep your body weight.

2. Small portions

If you want to stay slim, always message your food in small portions. A nutritionist, Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN advised to always order the small size, good for coffee, soup, or frozen yogurt.

3. Salad or Soup
Before getting into the main menu, do not forget to order a salad or soup, or other than a basket of bread. Salads and soups contain fewer calories but can fill the stomach, so you do not need to eat much food as the main way out.

4. Leave Food
Before starting to eat, make it a habit to set aside a quarter of your meals. For the rest of your meal with a friend or spouse when eating together.

5. Drink Lots of Water
Sometimes you do not realize if youre really hungry or just thirsty? For that, try drinking a glass of water every time you feel like eating something. You can also add lemon juice for extra flavor and vitamins.

6. Avoid Eating at Home TV
When watching a movie, it is nice if accompanied by a favorite snack. But without realizing it, you will continue to chew and hard to stop eating. If the stomach feels hungry when youre watching, grab a snack or eat fiber-rich fruits.

7. Wheat

Eating foods that contain whole grains like whole wheat bread, it would be better than regular bread. Wheat will make the stomach full longer, keep blood sugar levels and gives the body the vitamins and minerals. Unlike the bread made from wheat flour which will turn into fat if not burned.

8. Breakfast

Before starting the daily activities, do not forget to have breakfast. Breakfast is useful for metabolic processes and also prevent you from eating excess calories in the evening.

9. Start Exercising
Exercise is good for health and also keep the body shape. No need to always go to the gym to stay healthy, start with the daily habits such as walking or climbing stairs at least 3 hours a week.

10. Avoid Eating By Sleep

Another way to keep your weight is not eating before you sleep. Calories provide energy to the body, and you do not need energy when sleeping.

11. Do Sachet Sugar Consumption

Enjoy a coffee or tea will taste less sweet without sugar. But avoid using sugar packs or sachets. Just one teaspoon of sugar if you want to add sweetness to your drink, or it could also replace sugar with honey or maple syrup.

12. Snack
Before going for a walk with the people closest to, make sure you eat something like fruit or vegetable so that the stomach does not feel empty. If you go with an empty stomach, you will order more food than you need.

The Link Between Womens Health and Mental Illness

Health and mental illness are hot topics in the womens health field. Want proof? The World Health Organization, United Nations and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services all have web pages dedicated specifically to mental illness in women. Thats because mental health has a very significant impact on a womans overall health, how her body functions and even her ability to reproduce.

Mental Health and Mental Illness in Women

We all know that men and women are affected differently by mental illness and mental health disorders. While some disorders like depression and anxiety are more prevalent in women, women also show different symptoms and researchers are studying the different psychosocial and biological factors that affect a womans mental health and mental illness.

Common mental disorders in women include: Depression, Anxiety Disorders, like OCD, social phobias, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and eating disorders.

Health and Mental Illness- Chicken and the Egg Scenario?

Are women who suffer with chronic health conditions more likely to suffer from a behavioral health disorder or are women suffering from behavioral health disorder more likely to suffer from significant physical health concerns? It can be difficult to determine which is a symptom and which is a cause. What we do know is that women with chronic health conditions tend to be at high risk for behavioral health disorders and women suffering from behavioral health disorders may increase their risk for physical health conditions, such as obesity or migraine headaches.

Reproductive Health and Mental Illness

Stress has a significant impact on a womans body. Stress and co-occurring issues like depression and anxiety can make it difficult for a womans body to regulate hormones, making her menstrual cycle unpredictable or even irregular. Many women experience depression and anxiety disorders during and after pregnancy. Normal hormonal changes during and after pregnancy or menopause can mimic they symptoms of depression, making it very confusing for a woman to determine if she is suffering from a physical health issue or a mental health disorder. Hormone and talk therapy are useful for women suffering from both physical health and mental illness, especially as it relates to menstruation, pregnancy, infertility and menopause.

Female Veterans and Behavioral Health Disorders

While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen to anyone, it is common among soldiers or law enforcement personnel who experience traumatic or emotionally stressful situations. Women with health and mental illness concerns after the military can seek help from a variety of public and private veterans services that are specially equipped to handle the stress of returning home and reuniting with family.

By : Benjamin Brafman
Article source : The Link Between Womens Health and Mental Illness

Passive smoking Not Good for Pregnant

Women are exposed to passive smoking at a young age have a higher risk of developing problems during pregnancy. This is published by the study in Tobacco Control and conducted by researchers at the "University of Rochester in New York proves showed before that in women, the correlation between exposure to secondhand smoke and an increased difficulty level and during the gestation period
The study was conducted on 4800 women at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute from 1982 to 1998, the invited were conducted to respond to a questionnaire on the state of pregnancy trying to get pregnant and all miscarriages against in relation to their use of cigarettes and exposure to tobacco smoke .
The data showed that 40% of women reported a number of problems during pregnancy and motherhood: some were unable to get pregnant, while others the loss of the fetus, 11, 3% suffer from discomfort during pregnancy, have suffered, while 32 % had multiple miscarriages.

The researchers found that the women studied were four of the exposed five to parental smoking when they were young and only a 26% greater risk of non-pregnant, and so, as in the past, continue to smoke in the house ran a, 39% risk of miscarriage.
According to scientists, it is possible that passive smoking with the normal functioning of hormones disturbs involved in fertility and pregnancy, so it is necessary that all women. Before exposure to age, to protect the right for reproductive development

Herbal Medicines for Coronary Heart

Coronary unwellness|heart condition|cardiopathy|cardiovascular disease} could be a awful killer disease within the world. Coronary heart condition have suffered their productive age. The malady is caused by the narrowing of arteries by cholesterin and fat deposits was attacked suddenly and might be fatal. as a result of the malady is extremely dangerous, youre in an exceedingly healthy condition is suggested to perpetually keep your heart health with healthy manner, healthy ingestion high-fiber foods, stop smoking, scale back and avoid alcohol, exercise frequently and avoid drug use illicit medication.

For those of you that suffer from coronary heart condition, maintain food intake is extremely vital. as a result of bangaimanapun intake will increase fat deposits from within your blood vessels. Well, what foods square measure healthy and unhealthy for your heart? advised foods for patients with coronary heart condition, among others maknan made in saponins like asparagus and quinoa, antiseptics phenol-containing foods square measure like chocolate, green tea, herring, oatmeal, oranges, papaya, dried plums, sweet potatoes, walnuts, blueberries, broccoli , red beans, almonds.

Meanwhile, food taboos for coronary heart condition among alternative categories of foods that contain numerous cholesterin (including dalamnyacumi, shrimp, crab, cow brains, goat meat, fatty meats, animal organs, ducks, eels, Koning eggs, milk, chicken skin, chicken meat processed prepacked foods), foods containing trigleserin the unhealthy fats from plants (cooking oil, coconut milk, and margarine) and foods containing sugar alcoholic (alcoholic beverages, durian, and tape)

Treatment of coronary heart condition is done by each medical and flavouring manner. a secure for your health overall course of treatment of coronary heart condition thanks to the manner flavouring flavouring remedy for coronary heart condition, your health wont be tergaggu as a result of there are not any aspect effects afterward. Well, flavouring remedy for coronary heart price you choose one amongst them could be a flavouring remedy for coronary heart ace maxs square measure made of a mixture of mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop.
HERBAL medication FOR CORONARY HEART MANGOSTEEN SKIN mix and leaves of soursop

Herbal remedies for coronary heart ace maxs mangosteen skin juice is that the excellent selection for people who need to induce coronary heart pengobatanj safe and while not aspect effects. the most ingredient within the skin of the mangosteen is ace maxs and soursop leaves that are established and tested effectualness in maintaining heart health. additionally to those 2 main ingredients, flavouring medication for coronary heart ace maxs conjointly enriched with black rosella, honey and apple conjointly has several health edges.

Mangosteen skin contained in flavouring medication for coronary heart contains unimaginable inhibitor known as xanthone. Xanthones square measure illustrious to own AN ORAC levels 8-fold a lot of baikdaripada Oranges. Xanthone substance is in a position to block and take away free radicals within the body which may cause ulcers or deposition in blood vessels that may cause blood clots. therefore coronary heart condition is overcome.

Properties in hand by a similar soursop leaves. Soursop leaves even have antioxidants that may block free radicals that cause numerous diseases together with coronary heart condition. Soursop leaf has several compounds for anti-stress properties that may scale back levels of stress, maintain vas health, blood vessels dilate and blood peradaran launched to scale back the buildup of fat that cause coronary heart condition.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lose Weight Without Stress With Happiness Diet

Quite often people experiencing stress or emotional instability as a diet to lose weight. Many dieters who fail to maintain ideal body weight because it was unable to resist the temptation of a favorite food of many fatty, sugary and high calorie.

But now no longer diet was heavy thanks to the discovery of patterns of feeding management called Happiness Diet. Basic idea of ​​the diet developed by Tyler G. Graham and Drew Ramsey focuses on the type of food you consume. There are foods that serve to stabilize mood, increase concentration, improve brain health and reduce body fat.

In his book The Happiness Diet: A Nutritional Prescription for a Sharp Brain, Balanced Mood, and lean, energized Body, Tyler and Drew explains how to run a healthy and balanced diet that have an impact on weight loss without experiencing stress. The book outlines, which makes most dieters, stress is an important nutritional deficiencies that can lead to negative mood and create unstable emotions. What are the essential nutrients that must be consumed when undergoing a diet happiness?

1. Iodine

Iodine deficient thyroid gland will result in impaired performance. This can result in decreased memory, low energy levels, depression, weight gain, infertility to heart disease. When someone is having thyroid problems, all the daily activities of even the most mild though it will feel heavy. As a result, you will feel sluggish and reluctant to move every time that lead to obesity.

2. Calcium

Calcium is known as the nutrients that trigger a sense of fun. Calcium deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, depression and memory disorders. Lack of calcium also makes women more easily become obese and prone to PMS.

3. Magnesium

Type of mineral is useful to relax the mind and nerves and improving mental health. Magnesium is also known to help the healing process in patients with depression. Magnesium deficiency in the diet can lead to insomnia, fatigue and depression.

4. Vitamin D
Make sure you get enough sun exposure to a healthier body. Sunlight helps convert cholesterol into vitamin D in the skin that can increase endurance. Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression and dementia.

5. Fiber
Fiber is an extremely effective mood enhancer and accelerate weight loss by making the stomach feel full longer. Many of the nutrients contained in vegetables, fruits and whole grains also reduces inflammation, increased blood sugar and insulian. Less fiber diet can cause depression and other mental health problems.

How do I run Happiness Diet? These tips, as quoted from the Health Me Up:

- Reduce consumption of foods processed or packaged foods. Apart from poor nutrition, processed foods are also high in sugar or salt, which resulted in a shrinkage of the parts of the brain is responsible for managing mood.

- Befriend with fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods are rich in vitamins, phytonutrients and minerals - some key elements that help to improve brain function, associated with a sense of happiness.

- Eat meat from grass-fed cattle. This type of meat rich in omega-3 fatty acids that trigger the brain to form new connections.

- Vary your daily diet. Increasingly varied types of food, the brain would be able to obtain the nutrients needed to enhance a positive mood.

5 scariest types of cancer you must know

5 scariest types of cancer - Keep in mind that cancer is a deadly disease, very scary, man so many die from this cancer. Cancer deaths is the largest worldwide, even in Indonesia, though. This is known as the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated 84 million people died from cancer in 2005 and 2015 timeframe.
Cancer can occur and sustained by anyone without any distinction of age, sex and social status. In the world Cancer Day which falls every year on February 4, WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years.

Why would a person get cancer? one answer is because of an unhealthy lifestyle. Cancer occurs because of habit are generally unhealthy lifestyle, poor lifestyle change to healthier lifestyles are known can prevent cancer up to 30%. From now on, do not forget to pay attention to our lifestyle. live healthily. :)

World Day of the cancer, WHO announced 5 scariest types of cancer

1. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths)
Lung cancer is the most deadly type of cancer. This cancer is very dangerous both in men or in women. Known to more people each year who die from lung cancer than breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancer. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke each day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar with a reduced risk of lung cancer. Stay away from smoking and stay away from smokers, because secondhand smoke is more dangerous.

2. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths)
Some types of cancer known to affect the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to the stomach. Development of cancer is generally found in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the presence of cancer is starting to fade. Experts think this decline may be triggered due to lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake and smoking.

3. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths)
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer caused by cirrhosis, which is the end result of chronic liver damage caused by chronic liver disease. Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver.

4. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths)
Colorectal cancer can begin to grow from the colon or rectum (end of colon). Initially, nearly all colorectal cancers are benign (polyps), but over time develop into cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third largest type of cancer in the world in terms of number of sufferers. Colorectal cancer is also the number two cause of death of two worlds, in which the age factor influences.

5. Breast cancer (460 000 deaths)
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast. In Indonesia, breast cancer is still the number one killer disease in women.

Tips Take Care of Eye Health

Tips Take Care of Eye Health

Eyesight clearly can assist us in so many thing, for example working, enjoys nature view, or communications with others. If we like to have healthy eye, has of course you must take care of it. There are some things which can be done to maintain eye health, corrects reading is just here:

1. Investigates health of eye at oculist medical doctor. At the visit not only done by inspection ability of approach (visus), but also inspection of eyeball pressure (to know glaucoma), inspection of macula degeneracy, possibility that cataract, and other inspection. If having eye disease history, diabetes, or high blood, suggested does inspection at least biannual.

2. Soon consultancy with medical doctor if it is got change at approach ability, for example double sight or dull, there is letter losing when seeing printed material, cannot see face clearly, or other approach trouble.

3. Protects eye from presentation ultraviolet (UV), dirt, overweening wind and light. If resides in area with very strong sunshine, applies eyeglasses UV.

4. Consumption of Healthy food for eye, for example containing antioxidant, carotten (carrot, spinach), zinc ferous (beef or sheep), and selenium (red fish or flesh).

5. Avoids injuring eye. Applies safety glass when working, especially if when work is ice, for example in workshop, building work, or other work. If there is foreign object in eye, better applied steril warmness water to clean the foreign object or soon brings to medical doctor.

When Watching television

Actually watch television is safe thing for eye, because stretching in eye when seeing television is not too abundant compared to when reading. By paying attention to thing following, your eye are safe when seeing television.

1. Adequate illumination, not too big and too low. Overweening illumination can lessen contrast in screen and blurs sight. Shall not place light source which can result bound in television. Be better if color around television is having pattern neutral.

2. Be better if light in television space is not total dark. Dark room totalized results television contrast to become abundant causing bothers eye comfort. Color in room doesnt correspond to television, but television accommodating condition of room.

3. Pays attention to distance to look on. At least interval eye and television is five times [screen/sail] diameter. At the distance, picture earns is stand-out and doesnt bother eye. If often looks on in short distance, better soon does inspection of health of eye. Myopia (myopia) often happened at child watching television in short distance.

4. Ascertains television has been arranged carefully. Position of television is better if parallel with eye so that when looking on not must be decumbent or bows.

5. If it is obliged eyeglasses stiffener, applies the eyeglasses when watching television.

When Using Computer

Interaction with computer screen during is long time results tense eye and drought. Some tips related to television screen can be applied when using computer.

1. If had too stripper, better desist formerly a few moments to take a rest eye. Besides, often glisten also suggested to avoid xerophthalmia.

2. If there are eyesight trouble when using computer, better take counsel with oculist medical doctor.

3. Interval of monitor screen with eye around 30-40 cm with position of screen top as according to height of eyeball or a little below eye boundary.

4. Ascertains monitor which you to apply organize of its the inclination that easy to correspond to position of eye. If having fund, better apply LCD monitor because its the radiation is lower compared to with monitor CRT.

5. Applies screen protector in computer screen to lessen emission of radiation.

6. If experiencing eyesight trouble, either myopia or near, applied eyeglasses to ensure that fall precise shadow in retina.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

5 Weight Loss Suplements

Youre doing a diet right now? Obviously a lot of things you have to do to get a slim body ideal. With exercise training also. But not yet get maximum results. Many think that they have added to the muscle than in the fat, but in fact what happens is the fat percentage is increased.
If all that happens to you, it will be frustrating. Then the result is weight loss becomes a very difficult thing to achieve. There are several ways to overcome this, one of which is the addition of fat-burning supplements to your diet. With this supplement may also play a role in your body fitness.
Size of the weight loss is different. And with a weight loss supplement is also different. Some of the original herbs, but also in consumption can not be in vain. You should consult your family doctor before starting to take a new supplement.

Listed here are 5 varieties of fat-burners youll find at any health store.


Thermogenesis is what happens when the body starts metabolizing its stored fat cells. Therefore, thermogenics are products that stimulate the body to lose fat more quickly.

Tea extracts can be powerful thermogenics. Many products contain a mix of tea extracts, plus guarana (herbal ephedra) for extra energy and dandelion to fight bloating.

The scale of the fat metabolizing effect is uncertain, & outcomes vary widely between folk. Nevertheless, thermogenic mixes really are a favoured inclusion to many successful diet menus.

Caution-: Take these supplements only as directed. Taking too much can make you dehydrated or can overstimulate your heart.

Carbohydrate Blockers

Carbs act like sugar in our bodies. Way too much carbohydrates can result in insulin resistance, that may raise the storage of extra fat. Carbohydrate blockers keep us from eating numerous carbs, reducing insulin resistance & encouraging weight-loss.

Carbohydrate blockers use two main ingredients to accomplish this: Green tea extract, which is shown to restrict the transformation of carbs into blood glucose, and white kidney beans, that are thought to get a comparable result.

Much like thermogenics, there is certainly a good amount of anecdotal proof for both sides of the carb blocker discourse. Some insist the products work, while others maintain that you could achieve even better results when you eat fewer carbs.

The jury continues to be out, with scientific particulars limited by a handful of animal tests. Still, if youre interested in soaking up too many carbohydrates, carbohydrate blockers could possibly be helpful.

Thyroid Stimulators

The thyroid gland behaves as a regulator for the metabolism. If it becomes sluggish due to injury or illness, our fat burning also slows down. Some supplements are specific to stimulating a thyroid gland and quicken fat burning.

These herbal remedies classically include tyrosine, manganese, selenium, & guggul. There exists a hotly contested study that shows guggul supplementation leads to more fat loss than diet & exercise on their own.

Before using a thyroid enhancer, go to a doctor to get your thyroid tested. Huge numbers of people are afflicted by an underactive thyroid. If youre one, a drugs will work better than a supplement.

Cortisol Reducers

When our bodies are become stressed (and whose body isnt currently?), they develop a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol encourages our bodies to protect themselves. One of the ways money is simply by hoarding fat, mainly in the abdominal region.

Cortisol blockers often contain bitter orange peel extract, a form of herbal ephedra. Evidence is scant, some dieters think that cortisol blockers enable them to shed weight. Most experts doubt the efficacy of cortisol blockers.

When you have heart problems, or maybe if youre currently taking other medicines, seek a doctors recommendations before a cortisol blocker. They are linked to cardiac events in otherwise well people.

Herbs and Vitamins

Other herbs and vitamins are credited with boosting your bodys fat-metabolism. Included in this are, ginger, red pepper cayenne, B vitamins, Ascorbic Acid, calcium, and others.

If you want to experiment with their effect on excess fat loss, get a multivitamin which has some or all of the ingredients. Ginger and cayenne pepper can easily be added to the meal you cook, and low-fat milk products are full of calcium.

Top Five Weight Loss Secrets


more impact on fat-burning than cardio since it builds lean muscle

mass that
increases the metabolism. If you only do cardio, your body

will burn both fat and
muscle, which will actually lower your metabolism.

AVOID FOODS WITH CORN SYRUP: Austin refers to corn syrup.

Since our body
doesn’t know how to metabolize it, it causes

our liver to produce fat that can
lead to weight gain.


After strength
training, your body spends the next 48 hours repairing

small muscle tears.
Because of this, your body burns more total

calories from strength training than


Try this when
you first wake up. During sleep, your glucose storage is depleted, and since your body must first burn off glucose before it burns fat, now is a good time to get your body straight to the fat-burning phase. A brisk 40-minute walk at 120 beats per minute will do the trick.

LYING DOWN OR SITTING DURING STRENGTH TRAINING MAKES YOUR WORKOUT INEFFICIENT: By just standing up and using your own body weight for resistance in all directions, you will engage nearly all of your 600-plus muscles and maximize your strength-training efforts.


How To Keep Your Skin Acne Free

Acne can cause enormous suffering for those who are affected by it,
and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Early treatment should
limit the severity of acne and prevent the physical and psychological
scarring that can be caused by acne.


* Never scrub your skin. Gently massage it.
* Dont pick pimples.
* Drink lots of water.
* Go easy on the stress.
* Check your diet. Fruits and vegetables are important for healthy skin
and overall well-being.
* Do facial exercises.
* Use olive oil to keep the skin supple.
* Keep your hands away from your face. Hands carry germs that are often
transferred to our faces.
* Dont smoke.
* Use makeup in moderation.
* Wash your face at least twice a day.
* Dont sleep with makeup on. Your pores need to breathe.
* Steam yourself. Its great for the skin and reduces stress.

Efficacy and Benefits of Garlic for Body Health

Benefits of Garlic - Garlic is always identical and relate to herbs that are used every day when you make a healthy food. However, garlic has other benefits besides the main seasoning a dish, that is good for your health. Thats because garlic has some substances that are useful for body health such as calcium, protein, fat, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and even vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C is also owned by garlic. For that garlic consumption is very good for our health.

Benefits of White Garlic For Body Health
There are several benefits of garlic that we can get, including:
  • Being able to normalize cholesterol levels.
  • Preventing heart disease.
  • Prevent cancer.
  • Preventing high virgin pressure.
  • Digestion.
  • Both are used for eye care.
  • Prevent hypertension.
  • Heal wounds infected by bacteria.
  • Cure asthma.
  • Help cure a variety of other chronic diseases.
The above are some of the benefits and efficacy of garlic. For those of you who have some problems and diseases such as those mentioned above, can consume garlic to prevent and treat your illness.

Efficacy of Garlic
There are so many benefits of garlic that we can get to consume on a daily basis regularly. From a study conducted in Moscow, has managed to find that garlic can lower cholesterol levels. There was any indication that properties of garlic to lower cholesterol is already proven. 

In addition, garlic is also able to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Those are some of the benefits of garlic for the health of our bodies. What your opinion?