
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pregnant over the age of 35 years Consider this

Pregnant over the age of 35 years? Consider this - There is a new woman can get pregnant at the age of 30 years. It is a happy and disturbing because that age are considered vulnerable to conceive. Consider the risk of containing reported by Fox News.

1. Lose weight

Most women who give birth after 35 would be fine. But many complications that could be prevented. So if you have heart disease, thyroid disease or are overweight, try to be more healthy with diet and if you drink alcohol or smoke, immediately was stopped.

2. Blood pressure checks

Because the drop in blood pressure in the second trimester, it is important to have a normal blood pressure in the first trimester to avoid the risk of pre-eclampsia.

3. Consumption of prenatal vitamins

Start is the consumption of prenatal vitamins which contain at least one milligram of folic acid three months before conception through pregnancy to prevent neural defects in the fetus.

4. The risk of gestational diabetes

Pregnant women in more than 35 years of age are more at risk of gestational diabetes. Immediately check your blood sugar when I discovered the pregnancy and attention levels up to the birth.

5. Disordered eating and exercise

Fulfill your nutrition as well as the fetus with nutritious food. Besides doing enough activity to improve fitness and prepare for birth.

6. Pre-birth testing

This test aims to check for abnormalities of chromosomes to facilitate diagnosis of the fetus and the possibility of obtaining good or bad that happens. Because the age-old pregnant woman at risk for fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

Take good care of pregnancy and your health so that you can give birth to healthy babies safely.

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