
Monday, April 28, 2014

Top 10 Links of the Week 7 9 10 – 7 15 10

Sweet readers! I apologize for being kind of AWOL this week. (No Wednesday article! Ack.) Wedding planning is starting to really kick in, and our world is slowly being consumed by strapless bras and canapés. How did people do this before Excel spreadsheets?

Still, it’s a strong round of links this week with various tutorials, a coupla neat new sites, and a dashing finale. (Hint: The Old Spice Guy is involved.) Enjoy!

1) Wise Bread: 50 Healthy Foods for Under $1 a Pound
Wise Bread wins. They just do. (Pic from Natalie Dee.)

2) Washington Post: Kentucky town of Manchester illustrates national obesity crisis
If you’ve ever wondered how obesity affects and why it prevails in small towns, this moving, in-depth account of Manchester is the piece to read. The line about the intersection will tell you just about everything.

3) Casual Kitchen: Knowing When Not to Be a Food Snob
Sadly, the anonymity of the interwebs often means we foodies come off like raving packs of Comic Book Guys. (“Worst. Recipe. Ever.”) When do we hold back? When is it okay to unleash our inner elitists? Dan uses a fairly recent piece by Ratio guy Michael Ruhlman to discuss.

4) Surviving and Thriving: A big meal plus leftovers for less than a buck. (Hint: Let others do most of the cooking.)
Donna Freedman waxes poetic about potlucks. Most helpful? This gem: “Deviled eggs are a big hit because everybody loves them and nobody likes to make them.” Truer words, never spoken.

5) Urlesque: Annoying Cooks on the Web – a Field Guide
The title is a tad misleading; it should really be “15 Reviewers You Meet on Community Recipe Sites.” My favorite, and the one that makes me most crazy: The Ingredient Switcher. To wit: “I hated this recipe! I followed the instructions to a T but instead of white flour I used cornstarch and I swapped the honey for chili powder. It was terrible"

6) New York Times: Hungry Girl Offer a Real Take on Diet Foods
NYT’s (first?) profile of Lisa Lillien echoes a running theme in almost all HG articles. The author is clearly wary of her endorsements and use of processed foods, but has to maintain a respectful tone out of deference to Lillien’s bagillions of followers. Despite that, it’s still one of the better Hungry Girl pieces I’ve seen.

7) The Kitchn
10 Things to Eat When You Return From Vacation
Quick, Easy Ways to Get More Vegetables Into My Diet?
You think you’re so cool, don’t you, The Kitchn? “Blah blah blah here’s another positive, incredibly helpful and thoughtful post with a bunch of pictures that put Ansel Adams to shame blah blah blah.” Yeah, we getcher point. Punks.

8) Kitchen Myths
Oodles of Alton Brown-type cooking myths, busted in no-nonsense style, presented ing Internet-circa-1996 style. I give this three Bill Clinton heads out of a possible four.

9) Marketplace: Farmers Market Guide – 20 Cities, Coast to Coast
Ooo … handy!

10) Bargaineering: How to Dry Fresh Herbs
Just in time! We inherited our friends’ CSA shipment this week, and it came with the most enormous bag of tarragon you’ve ever seen in your whole puff. Anyone for some Tarragon Pops?


Jim’s Pancakes
Oh, yay! It’s amazing what you can do with a little food dye and some hungry children.

The Kitchn: Zucchini At Your Door? 12 Recipes to Help Eat It Up
Again? Again with the practical deliciousness? Harrumph.

Promo Machine UK: Discount Design - 23 Fantastically Vintage Coupons
Who wants $0.07 off a box of Life cereal?

Village Voice: Americans Getting Too Fat for Theater Seats
Hey! We’re still fat! Whee! On a related note: Has anyone seen Twilight: Eclipse? My sister and I have three questions:
  1. Why are these two supernatural, smokin’ hot dudes fighting over The Most Boring Woman in the World?
  2. Why is being turned into a vampire so bad? You live forever, receive awesome powers, and still get to have sex. I don’t see the downside here.
  3. Where was the eclipse?


New York Times: On Facebook, Telling Teachers How Much They Meant
God, I love this story. Mr. Leogrande, this one’s for you.

BoingBoing: Goodbye Old Spice Guy
I will miss you most of all. SWAN DIVE!

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